Janice de Belen wins acting award in US

Janice De Belen

Janice De Belen was named Best Actress at the 2021 International Film Festival Manhattan (IFFM Autumn) in New York for her role in the short film "Sugat Sa Dugo" (Wounded Blood).

In the heavy drama, De Belen plays the role of a mother whose son is about to die of HIV/AIDS. The movie also won the Independent Achievement Award for Producing.

Popular hair and makeup artist Bambbi Fuentes also debuts as a screenwriter and executive producer in this project.

De Belen took to Instagram to share her excitement. Her full post:

'Sugat Sa Dugo' film poster

"Thank you International Film Festival Manhattan Autumn 2021 for this great honor.

"It is any actors dream to be garnered such as honor that goes beyond our borders.

"Thank you @bambbifuentes for picking me to be a part of this short film. May the intention of this film be successful in reminding people that apart from the coronavirus, A.I.D.S. is still a very serious concern around the world.

"Thank you to our director Danni Ugali for allowing me to collaborate in our scenes. Grateful abounds," De Belen said.

Fuentes thanked De Belen for joining the project.

"Thank you, Janice, for giving us a chance to have worked with you, a big congratulation to you for winning the Best Actress Award at the International Film Festival Manhattan 2021 you brought honor to our film Sugat Sa Dugo. Love you much," Fuentes wrote.