Filipino actor Christian Lagahit and Indian star Anupam Tripathi reunited to celebrate the success of the Netflix thriller "Squid Game," now the No. 1 series in 22 countries.
Christian is known as Player 276 while Anupam is Player 199 in the blockbuster series.
On Instagram, Christian wrote:
"Our simple way of celebrating the success of "Squid Game" ???
"276 and 199 met again but this time, not as players of Squid Game but as brothers, Chris and Anup! ???
"Don't forget to watch "Squid Game" on your favorite Netflix channel ??? "
Christian also shared a video where some Filipino fans "cornered" him at the airport, as shown in a video shared by a netizen. Christian uploaded it on Instagram Stories.
The Filipino star obliged for quick photo sessions with his fans.
"I'm so thankful for all the love and support that you guys are showing me. I can't thank you one by one, but I'm glad that you're there to support me," he wrote.
Christian vowed to stay the same despite his success in South Korea.
"Nothing will change, your Kuya Chris, Ahjussi, oppa will always be the same," he added.