The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is currently awaiting the approval of President Duterte to allow the expansion of limited face-to-face classes to three more degree programs.

“Two weeks ago, I told the IATF that I will be asking permission from the President to expand limited face-to-face to Engineering, Maritime and HRM which hands-on experience is needed,” CHED Chairman Prospero De Vera III said in a virtual press conference during the awarding of Certificate of Authority to reopen limited face-to-face classes in Mindoro Occidental on Friday, Aug. 27.
Aside from medicine and allied health sciences, De Vera said that CHED pushed for the expansion of limited face-to-face classes for the three degree programs because “these are the courses that you really need hands-on experience.”
De Vera said that the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging and Infectious Diseases (IATF-MEID) already endorsed to Duterte its proposal to expand the conduct of limited in-person classes for other college programs.
The move to expand limited face-to-face classes for other degree programs, De Vera said, came after CHED found out that there was low coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infection among medical and allied health students - some of whom started attending in-person classes as early as December last year.
So far, CHED said that there are 118 higher education institutions (HEIs) that offer medicine and allied health science that have been allowed to hold limited face-to-face classes nationwide.