UST to continue distance learning in AY 2021-2022

The University of Santo Tomas (UST) will continue implementing distance learning in the academic year (AY) 2021-2022.

University of Santo Tomas (Photo from

"The University of Santo Tomas will continue to implement Enriched Virtual Mode (EVM) of Instruction," UST Office of the Secretary-General said in an advisory on Friday, July 2.

EVM, which makes use of synchronous and asynchronous learning strategies using UST Google Cloud and other platforms, was introduced in the first term of AY 2020-2021.

However, UST said it would still continue its preparations for the re-opening of limited face-to-face classes.

"Protocols will be announced to concerned stakeholders once government approval is obtained," it added.

Four medical and health programs in UST have started conducted limited physical classes.

Medical clerks and physical therapy interns were also allowed to return to campus for limited face-to-face classes in June.

Meanwhile, medical technology students are set to begin their internship program on July 5, while limited on-site classes for nursing students will kick off on Aug. 9.