Good news, job seekers! PopCom is hiring

The Commission on Population and Development (PopCom) has opened up job opportunities, including entry-level positions for qualified Filipinos amid the pandemic.

PopCom Executive Director Juan Antonio Perez III said on Saturday, March 27, that the following positions are open for job seekers who are interested to work in the commission.

• Legal Assistant II - Salary Grade 12• Administrative Officer IV (Human Resource Management Officer II) - Salary Grade 15• Administrative Officer III (Cashier II) - Salary Grade 14
• Administrative Officer II (Financial Analyst I) - Salary Grade 11
• Administrative Assistant II (Budgeting Assistant) - Salary Grade 8• Planning Officer I - Salary Grade 11• Project Evaluation Officer I - Salary Grade 11• Information Officer I - Salary Grade 11
• Chief Administrative Officer (Financial Management Officer II) - Salary Grade 24• Administrative Officer II (Fiscal Examiner I) - Salary Grade 11

In an interview over DZBB, Perez said the additional workers to be hired will help PopCom in implementing the government's programs related to population and reproductive health across the country.

Qualified applicants for the vacant positions will be assigned in PopCom's central office in Mandaluyong City, Perez added.

On top of the qualification standards for each position, required documents should also be submitted personally or through courier or email at [email protected] not later than April 23, 2021.

Interested applicants are urged to visit PopCom's website or official social media pages for the complete list of requirements and for additional information.