This Sunday (January 31), be part of the biggest all-out party on Philippine television as the brightest Kapuso stars join forces to mark the first anniversary of GMA Network’s musical-comedy-variety program"All-Out Sundays."
Kick starting the special celebration is Asia’s Multimedia star Alden Richards as he leads the grand opening number together with AyOS barkada Rayver Cruz, Christian Bautista, Mark Bautista, Aicelle Santos, Miguel Tanfelix, Migo Adecer, Kyline Alcantara, Ruru Madrid, Mavy Legaspi, Jeremiah Tiangco, Thea Astley, Kim de Leon, Shayne Sava, with Rodjun Cruz, Jeniffer Maravilla, Jennie Gabriel, and Rochelle Pangilinan.
Joining the celebration are the cast of current and upcoming GMA Network programs – Barbie Forteza of “Anak Ni Waray vs. Anak ni Biday”; Jeric Gonzales and Klea Pineda of “Magkaagaw”; Kristoffer Martin, Liezel Lopez, Dave Bornea, and Pauline Mendoza of “Babawiin Ko Ang Lahat”; and “Centerstage” judge Ms. Pops Fernandez.
Watch out for an all-out ‘Kantahan and Biritan’ in the newest segment “All-Star Assembly” featuring premier and world class Pinoy singers – Mark, Aicelle, Jeremiah, Thea, Garrett Bolden, with Bugoy Drilon and Asia’s Nightingale Ms. Lani Misalucha.
Asia’s Romantic Balladeer Christian Bautista takes the spotlight in an all-out concert performance together with Markki Stroem and Nino Alejandro.
Bringing the ‘kilig’ feels are your favorite Kapuso leading men dubbed as the “OG’s” - Rayver, Ruru, Miguel, Migo, and Jeric.
Setting the dance floor on fire are the country’s hottest dance icons – Rochelle, Miguel, Kyline, DJ Loonyo, Mannex Manhattan, Rodjun and Rayver.
Finally, don’t miss the premiere of All-Out Sundays’ latest musical-comedy segment entitled “Eternal Flame”! A heart-warming and hilarious love story set in the 80’s and as retold by a 72-year-old Billy to his young caretaker Mika, “Eternal Flame” features the talented and funny Kapuso cast – Paolo Contis, Betong Sumaya, Kim de Leon, Lexi Gonzales, Althea Ablan, Denise Barbacena, Donita Nose, Philip Lazaro and Glaiza de Castro.
Prepare for the biggest and most exciting party on Philippine television featuring the brightest Kapuso stars in the anniversary special of "All-Out Sundays" this Sunday (January 31), 12 noon, on GMA-7.
Viewers abroad can also watch ‘All-Out Sundays’ via GMA's flagship international channel, GMA Pinoy TV. For the program guide, visit