Filipino named as vice director of Franciscans office

A Filipino priest is the new Vice Director of the Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Office in Rome of the Order of Friars Minor or Franciscans.

Fr. Angelito Cortez

In an interview with Church-run Radio Veritas, Father Angelito Cortez of the Association of Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines said he feels blessed with his appointment.

"My heart overflows with gratitude to God for all the blessings I have received throughout the year 2020 despite the trials and tribulations, I do not think it will end in a new way of serving," he said.

"God sees something in us that we can't see that's why you will just ask if I deserve it?" added Cortez.

He said he felt humbled by his appointment and promised to try his best to be " the best that I can be for the church and for my congregation."

Cortez said he will temporarily fulfill his new duties in the Rome office through a temporary "work from the country" due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The priest is the current co-Executive Secretary and national JPIC coordinator of AMRSP.

Cortez is also the chairperson of the Franciscan Solidarity Movement for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation and head of the Ecological Justice Interfaith Movement and Fellowship for the Care for Creation Association.