Poor Internet connection reportedly forced a House leader to defy social distancing rules during a Zoom-based hearing Wednesday morning.
Manila Rep. John Marvin "Yul Servo" Nieto, chairman of the Committee on Youth and Sports, seemingly had a difficult time hearing and understanding the discussion in the virtual hearing, which delved into a substitute bill proposing to redefine the crime of game-fixing and prescribing stiffer penalties therefor.

This resulted in the rather lengthy discussion on a relatively brief measure. House Bill (HB) Nos. 1226 and 5281--the bases of the substitute measure--were only five pages long each.
Committee Secretary (ComSec) Esthenellie Solis-Allaga told the attendees in the hearing that Nieto was experiencing poor Internet connection. In comparison, Allaga's connection was spotless.
A few minutes later, Nieto, wearing a face mask, showed up on the same screen as his ComSec, suggesting that they were within the same vicinity. At that time, Allaga didn't have a face mask on.

But now that they were literally shoulder to shoulder with each other, Allaga was forced to wear a face mask of her own. They did not wear face shields.
In the House Committee set-up, the ComSec serves as the right-hand man of the presiding officer (usually the chairman). It is the job of the ComSec to keep tabs on the agenda and general flow of the meeting.
Nieto, a forner movie and TV actor, wrapped up the hearing at past 1 p.m. after carrying a motion to approve the substitute bill. The hearing began at around 10:30 a.m.
The House of Representatives adopted virtual hearings as part of the new normal during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.