Makati City's digital initiatives amid pandemic wins international award

Makati is the only city in the country that made it to the top three World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO) Awards for promoting the utilization of technology in its various initiatives in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, Mayor Abigail Binay announced Friday (October 2).


Binay said Makati City competed under the Efficient Government category and won the bronze award after Goyang City, South Korea (gold) and Moscow, Russia (silver).

“Makati has always been proud of its vision to become a smart and digital city. It was an honor to represent our country and showcase our achievements in digital innovation and social services in an international event,” the mayor said.

The city was supposed to host the WeGO General Assembly this year, but it did not push through because of the pandemic. 

The triennial competition recognizes and promotes smart initiatives that improve the quality of life of citizens.

Makati will be awarded during the WeGO Virtual Executive Committee Meeting on November 17, Binay said.

In 2019, Makati City was also the country’s sole finalist at the World Smart Cities Awards. 

Last May 29, Mayor Binay presented the city’s COVID-1 initiatives at the WeGO Smart Health Responder Webinar. She highlighted the use of the Makatizen Card and the Makatizen App for the automated distribution of financial assistance to 500,000 Makatizens.

Makati is one of over 200 member-cities of WeGO around the world committed to the transformation of cities into smart sustainable cities.