An official of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines Episcopal Commission on Migrants and Itinerant People (CBCP-ECMI) said on Wednesday the search for the crew members of a missing cargo vessel which sank off Japan should continue.

CBCP-ECMI vice chairman Bishop Ruperto Santos appealed to the owner of the ill-fated cargo ship to continue the search for the sake of the families of the missing seafarers.
"We are making a direct and strong appeal to the ship owner, Gulf Navigation Holding, to resume the searching and support their respective families in every possible way," he said.
The Balanga, Bataan prelate also appealed to the Philippine government not only to extend assistance to the families but also request the neighboring countries in conducting search and rescue within their scope of waters and islands.
The CBCP Bishop-Promoter of the Apostleship of the Seas-Stella Maris Philippines said they will not lose hope and will continue to pray for the missing seafarers.
"We have not lost hope and we hold on to God, relying on His mighty power for miracles ," Santos said.
"We continue to pray that others may have somehow survived this tragic incident," he added.
"Our thoughts and heartfelt empathy go out to all the family members and friends, who are anticipating good news at home," said Santos.
Gulf Livestock, which sank off the coast of Japan early this month, was carrying cattles and 43 crew members, including 39 Filipino nationals.
Three Filipino crewmen were later found. One died and two survived the mishap.