LOOK: Self-portraits of breastfeeding moms and their babies

Renowned photographer Stanley Ong uploaded a YouTube video on how to take your own photos at home

For over a decade, photographer Stanley Ong has been showcasing his annual breastfeeding photo exhibit in support of breastfeeding month every August. “Due to our current situation, I thought I could not do it this year. Fortunately, because of some amazing moms who encouraged me to continue my advocacy, I decided to do this virtual exhibit,” says the dad-of-two. 

He produced a tutorial video on YouTube for breastfeeding moms (and even dads) to watch and learn, the product of which is an online exhibit showing the beautiful and special bond between mother and child. Stanley posted the album of the photos submitted by these moms. 

Before I gave birth to my first child, my hope and desire was to be able to breastfeed my baby even for just three months. I didn’t have the confidence then that I would be able to exclusively breastfeed my baby. But after I gave birth, I learned to trust my body’s ability to produce just enough milk that my baby needed, and day by day gained confidence that we could keep on going. It’s amazing how God designed a mother’s body to be able to nurture and feed her child.
I am now breastfeeding my third child and I feel like I have been breastfeeding for the past eight years. I was able to exclusively breastfeed all my three children—the first until she turned four years old, then the second until he turned three years old, and now my third child is 11 months old with no plans of stopping. There were challenging moments for sure, but it’s all worth it after being able to hold my children and watch them grow in my arms. — Sarah Mora

Breastfeeding my Castiel for 25 months now and there’s no plan in stopping anytime soon. This has been our special bond since day one and I’ve never been so proud of myself for being able to direct latch and donate my extra stash to several babies. It wasn’t easy, especially at the beginning, but I equipped myself with enough knowledge by attending seminars, by joining several Facebook groups, and most important, by having a very healthy support system who encourages me to breastfeed despite all the challenges. Producing liquid gold, one that is exactly what my baby needs, is what I aim to do as long as my baby wants it. We will continue doing this until he self-weans. — Roseann Javier-Alvarez

This is the best ever bonding with my daughter, and I would love to wait until she weans by herself. My breastfeeding journey was not that easy, and it was so hard to the point that I wanted to give up, but I am very blessed with all the people who supported our journey. My husband, my lactating buddies, and family who inspire me to push through with this journey. Thank you so much! Happy Breastfeeding month! — Dianne Mariz Andrey-Balsalubre

Stanley shows his gratitude to all the 39 moms who participated with a Facebook album of the photos submitted.

“Amazing and beautiful images! Thank you to all who participated. I am overwhelmed by the support. Congratulations to all the breastfeeding families,” he ends.