Father Edwin Gariguez has resigned as executive secretary of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines National Secretariat for Social Action (CBCP-NASSA)/Caritas Philippines after 10 years of serving in the said post.

The priest announced his resignation on Saturday, July 18.
"It is with deep sense of regret that I inform you that I have filed my resignation as Executive Secretary effective July 31, 2020," Gariguez said in a letter addressed to their partner organizations and social movements.
In his letter, he also revealed that he will be succeeded by Father Antonio Labiao of the Diocese of Novaliches.
Gariguez said Labiao will assume the post on Monday, July 20, after the online turn-over ceremony to the new leadership.
"I take this opportunity to welcome the new set of leadership and to endorse them to you as we undergo the process of turn-over," he said.
"We hope that the meaningful partnership we have established will be sustained and further strengthened even with the needed transition," added Gariguez.
The priest then expressed his gratitude to everyone for their support, solidarity and collaboration during his term and enjoined them to continue to support NASSA/Caritas Philippines.
"NASSA/Caritas Philippines, as an organization, is always being challenged to undergo significant transition, as it is now, with the change in leadership. Our national Caritas is never static, but always dynamic, growing, continually responding to the signs of the times and the calling of the Spirit," Gariguez said.
As the development, advocacy and humanitarian arm of the Church, he said, NASSA/Caritas Philippines will continue to serve our social action network with ever fervent dedication.
"This turnover process will signal the continuing journey in pursuing our mission to become truly a Church of the Poor," Gariguez said.
He said the journey continues, in the "ministry of committed service," in the spirit of Caritas, with the same dynamism and faith-driven dedication.