FASHION PULIS : Price of peace

Moving on often comes at a price. Emotionally, a breakup can lead to depression or sleepless nights thinking of what went wrong. Physically, the body can manifest emotions. Weight loss or gain can be seen easily. However, others even look better after ending a relationship.

When Influential Man (IM) and Beautiful Entrepreneur (BE) were not seen together as often as they used to, netizens assumed first that BE simply wants to lie low; second, that maybe, the press was just not covering them enough. 

Perceptions changed when IM was seen in public with Pretty Woman (PW). Tongues wagged and PW was immediately assumed as someone new in IM’s heart. When IM and PW were observed to be happy together, the non-presence of BE was accepted.

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However, IM’s moving on was rumored to be nothing more than a business transaction, an expensive one at that. To move on cleanly, IM allegedly cut all ties with BE which included any relationship they had beyond their assumed ‘coupleness.’ Ergo, even their business dealings were allegedly ended with IM buying out BE’s shares at a price she could not refuse. 

Perhaps, this cutting of ties with BE is IM’s way of proving his sincerity for PW and avoid the awkwardness that could happen if BE were still in the picture.

‘I think it's important to have closure in any relationship that ends - from a romantic relationship to a friendship. You should always have a sense of clarity at the end and know why it began and why it ended. You need that in your life to move cleanly into your next phase.’ — Jennifer Aniston

Cementing her place

Good-looking Personality (GP) is rumored to be moving to another location soon, perhaps not permanently, but for a specific period. To avoid being seen and thus, instigate speculations, going far from the motherland is still the best decision.

This move is allegedly motivated to ensure GP has a strong stake in the life of her Rumored Sponsor (RS). 

RS is a popular name in his locale and quite influential with the affairs of the area. However, admission of a relationship between GP and RS could affect their careers, as both are known to have strong family values. RS is still married, while GP has built a wholesome, admirable reputation.

If the plan of GP materializes, the news could be considered a scandal detrimental to their reputation and careers. Supposedly, GP wants a scion with RS. Even if that means undergoing a procedure using her egg cell, GP will do it. Having the procedure done abroad would keep away the local rumor-mongers. With a child from RS, GP assures her stake.

Incidentally, GP might still leave later to have her house overseas fixed. Rumors claim that RS gave that home to GP.  

‘Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.’ — Walter H. Cottingham

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