Gold Medalist’s lawyers sent second letter to late actress Kim Sae-ron about her debt

It was revealed that the law firm hired by actor Kim Soo-hyun’s agency, Gold Medalist, sent a second certified letter to the late actress Kim Sae-ron regarding the payment of the 686.4 million won (about $474,000) she owed the company. 

The amount represented the damages by Gold Medalist to the production company of the Netflix series “Bloodhounds,” which minimized Kim Sae-ron’s appearance after she got involved in a drunk driving incident in May 2022. 

Kim Sae-ron was found dead last Feb. 16, Kim Soo-hyun’s birthday. 

On March 17, a lawyer representing Kim Sae-ron’s family filed a complaint with the police against YouTuber Lee Jin-ho, who is accused of defaming the actress in several videos. 

The family discovered the second certified letter while organizing Kim Sae-ron’s things. 


The photo uploaded by Kim Sae-ron on March 24, 2024 after she received a certified letter from Gold Medalist's lawyers (Instagram)Hoverlab17.jpg

Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Sae-ron in a photo uploaded by a fan account on June 23, 2017 on Instagram (Sae Ron Daily on Instagram)

The letter was revealed by YouTube channel HoverLab (Garosero Research Institute), which has been doing daily live broadcasts about Kim Sae-ron and Kim Soo-hyun since March 10. The channel revealed photos of Kim Soo-hyun kissing Kim Sae-ron, a letter and postcard he sent to her, and statements from her family. 


The second certified letter sent by Gold Medalist's lawyers to Kim Sae-ron on March 25, 2024 (Screenshot from HoverLab video on YouTube)

The family earlier demanded Kim Soo-hyun to admit he dated Kim Sae-ron when she was a minor and issue an apology. 

In the latest broadcast of HoverLab, the content of the second certified letter sent by Korean law firm LKB & Partners to Kim Sae-ron was revealed. 

Dated March 25, 2024, the law firm told Kim Sae-ron to present her debt payment schedule. In an earlier statement, Gold Medalist said the law firm sent the first certified letter dated March 15, 2024 to the actress out of formality. 

The law firm told Kim Sae-ron in the second certified letter, dated March 25, 2024, to refrain from contacting employees or actors of Gold Medalist regarding her debt. 

After Kim Sae-ron received the first letter, he sent a text to Kim Soo-hyun, begging him for help with the debt. She did not receive a reply. 

She also posted a photo on March 24, 2024 on Instagram showing her and Kim Soo-hyun posing cheek-to-cheek. 

About this, the law firm said, “You posted a picture of our client’s actor on your SNS early in the morning of March 24, 2024. However, as the actor [Kim Soo-hyun] is currently starring in the drama [“Queen of Tears”], your actions may affect not only the actor and client company [Gold Medalist], but also the drama production company, other actors, staff, broadcasting stations, OTT, etc. and it is a serious matter that could cause major legal problems. Therefore, please refrain from doing anything that could cause a major disruption to the business of the client company and others, such as the act on March 24, 2024.”

The lawyer representing Kim Sae-ron’s family said, “We are currently considering taking legal action against Kim Soo-hyun in the future." 

Meanwhile, HoverLab posted a photo of Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Sae-ron that was a uploaded by a fan account on June 23, 2017 on Instagram, asking the actor to explain it. 

Gold Medalist earlier said Kim Soo-hyun dated Kim Sae-ron from 2019 to 2020 when she was already an adult .