Septuagenarian hacks son during argument

CEBU CITY – A 73-year-old man allegedly hacked his 36-year-old son during a heated confrontation in their house in Barangay Babag 2 here at dawn on Saturday, March 15.


Police identified the suspect as Norberto Montillana. 

The victim, Horace, 36, sustained a hack wound in the head.

Police said Norberto was sleeping when a drunk Horace arrived.

Horace tried to barge into the house and threatened to kill his father if he does not let him inside.

Norberto stood up, took a bolo, and hacked his son in the head.

The victim was taken to a hospital. Police arrested the suspect after the incident.

Police said the Montillanas have been at loggerheads and figured in several arguments in the past.

Lawmen said Horace was a drug addict and his father had been reprimanding him about his vice.

Horace would usually run amok when he is drunk, police said.

Before the incident, Horace was in a drinking session with friends and was rowdy when he arrived home, police said.

Horace faces appropriate charges.