Tolentino welcomes voters' preference for pro-WPS candidates

Reelectionist Senator Francis "Tol" Tolentino welcomed the results of a recent survey that showed strong voter preference for candidates advocating the country's sovereign rights in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

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Reelectionist Senator Francis "Tol" Tolentino today welcomed the SWS survey showing that 78 percent of Filipinos prefer candidates who assert the country’s rights in the West Philippine Sea (WPS). (Photo from the Office of Senator Francis Tolentino)

“The survey result shows that there is strong agreement among our kababayans that the WPS is a major issue in the elections, and that candidates will be measured according to their stand on the matter,” Tolentino stressed. 

“With eight in every ten Filipinos approving pro-WPS candidates, it's a good indication that national sovereignty has become a core issue for the Filipino voter – alongside ‘gut’ concerns like prices, income, and employment,” he added.

Tolentino is referring to the recently commissioned SWS survey showing that 78 percent of Filipinos prefer candidates who assert the country’s rights in the WPS amid China's growing aggression.

In the same survey, 77% of respondents said that the government must further strengthen its alliance with other nations through joint patrols, sails, and military exercises in defense of its exclusive economic zone.

“The survey findings indicate that the enactment of the Philippine Maritime Zones Act (RA 12064) and the administration’s multilateral stance on national defense, security, and foreign policy are aligned with the majority view of our kababayans,” noted the senator.

Tolentino is the principal author of the Philippine Maritime Zones Act, which asserts the country's territorial and economic rights in the WPS. #