Relectionist Senator Francis 'Tol' Tolentino backed the development of nuclear energy to ease the country's long-standing woes on expensive electricity, which drives up production cost and prices.

“Putting up traditional power plants takes years and huge investments. This is the reason why I fully support the development of nuclear energy as an alternative and cheaper power source,” the senator said in a local radio interview in Cebu.
Tolentino is the principal author of the Philippine Nuclear Regulation Act (Senate Bill No. 1194), which seeks to establish a comprehensive regulatory framework on the development and use of nuclear energy in the country.
“We have several island provinces where electricity is costlier and the services are erratic. But there are studies proposing micro modular nuclear power plants to energize these off-grid and remote areas. Thus it is incumbent upon the legislature to pass a national nuclear framework soon,” he stressed.
Aside from nuclear power, Tolentino is also pushing to remove the 12 percent value-added tax (VAT) on electricity through SBN 2970, which he authored.
“Exempting electricity from VAT will immediately lead to lower power costs, directly benefiting industrial, commercial, and residential users. This will also boost purchasing power, redounding to increased spending and economic activity,” he explained.
For the country’s long-term energy requirements, Tolentino says the recently passed Philippine Maritime Zones Act (Republic Act 12064) will play an important role.
“By asserting our rights over our maritime zones, including the West Philippine Sea and the Talampas ng Pilipinas, we also secure the vast resources that lie beneath, including petroleum, natural gas, and other mineral deposits, for our exploration and sustainable use,” he said.
“This would ensure the energy needs of our economy and future generations of Filipinos,” noted the principal author and sponsor of the landmark law.