Asian bishops name Cardinal David as head of new synodality commission




Asian bishops have appointed Cardinal Pablo Virgilio David to lead the newly established Commission for Synodality under the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC), the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) announced.


The FABC stated that the new department was established to support local churches in implementing the synodal vision more effectively.


The commission will provide ongoing formation for bishops on synodality and create opportunities for resource-sharing among its members, it added.


FABC said that David, who serves as president of the CBCP and vice president of the FABC, was chosen to head the commission due to his “extensive experience and unwavering commitment to the synodal process.”


The commission said it will also collaborate with other FABC offices to promote the synodal way and coordinate with continental episcopal organizations.


Meantime, Malaysian priest, Fr. Clarence Devadass, was named as the commission’s executive secretary. Devadass previously served for many years in the FABC Office of Theological Concerns.


Per CBCP, the commission is composed of a diverse group of experts who have actively participated in both sessions of the Synod on Synodality. 


Among its members are Fr. William LaRousse from the FABC Central Secretariat, Dr. Christina Kheng from Singapore, Redemptorist Fr. Vimal Tirimana from Sri Lanka, Fr. Enrico Ayo and Ms. Estella Padilla from the Philippines, Ms. Momoko Nishimura, a consecrated woman from Japan, and Sr. Lalitha Thomas, SJT, from India.


The formation of the Commission for Synodality was formalized during the FABC Central Committee’s annual meeting, held from March 12 to 13 at the Camillian Centre in Bangkok.


One of the commission’s key initiatives is to organize a seminar for bishops across Asia “to inspire and reinforce the synodal way within churches throughout the continent.”