Once the term ends, the Commandant will be compulsorily retired unless the President chooses to relieve him earlier.
Marcos signs law giving PCG commandant a fixed 3-year term
At a glance
President Marcos has signed into law Republic Act (RA) No. 12122, officially setting a three-year term for the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) commandant unless removed earlier by the commander-in-chief.

Under the new measure, signed on Tuesday, Feb. 18, the three-year term will start immediately after the President signs his appointment.
Once the term ends, the Commandant will be compulsorily retired unless the President chooses to relieve him earlier.
The PCG Commandant must hold the rank of Coast Guard Admiral, must hold a command-at-sea badge, and have served as a District Commander before being appointed.
The appointment is made by the President from among the flag officers of the PCG.
RA 12122 amends RA 9993, or the Philippine Coast Guard Law of 2009.
Previously, the PCG Commandant did not have a fixed term. The tenure was largely determined by presidential discretion or mandatory retirement rules.
RA 12122 will take effect immediately upon publication in the Official Gazette or a newspaper with general circulation.