The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), under the stewardship of Commissioner Romeo Lumagui Jr., has successfully met its collection target for 2024. It marks the first time in two decades that the agency has hit its goal, a remarkable achievement and a testament to the unwavering commitment, strategic foresight, as well as the dedication of the hardworking men and women of the BIR.
For years, the BIR faced various challenges that made revenue collection an uphill battle. But under Lumagui’s leadership, the agency has undergone a transformation, enhancing its operational efficiency and ensuring that compliance is both streamlined and enforced fairly.
The BIR embarked on digitalization, enabling ease of paying taxes. It has also successfully implemented the Integrated Management Program of the BIR, which was even cited during the 5th Conference on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) Implementation and Review last month.
The BIR also developed an algorithm, in partnership with the Department of Mathematics of Ateneo de Manila University’s School of Science and Engineering, to detect companies possibly using ghost receipts. Other programs and policies were also implemented. The result? A revenue collection that not only meets expectations but also reflects the agency’s resilience, adaptability, and capacity to evolve with changing times.
The BIR’s approach has been marked by a mix of transparency, innovation, and a clear focus on service improvement. Building trust with taxpayers, investing in technology, and ensuring staff capability were key to unlocking the agency’s full potential. By strengthening the BIR’s internal systems and modernizing its processes, the agency has paved the way for more accurate, efficient, and fair tax collection methods.
This achievement highlights the relentless work of BIR personnel, from top executives down to field agents. Their collective efforts have ensured that the agency met its target, even in a complex and rapidly evolving economic environment. These hardworking men and women of the BIR are the unsung heroes who are making the revenue agency’s success possible, working long hours, navigating intricate tax laws, and engaging with the public to foster better compliance.
The BIR’s success should be viewed as an exemplary model for other government agencies striving to meet their own targets. At a time when accountability, efficiency, and results are demanded more than ever, the BIR’s achievement is proof that with the right leadership and a motivated team, even the most formidable challenges can be overcome.
The 2024 tax collection milestone is not just a momentous feat for the BIR — it is a victory for the Filipino people. It means more resources for public infrastructure, social services, and economic development. It is also a signal that government agencies, when properly led and supported, can be powerful agents of progress.
As the men and women of the BIR celebrate this remarkable achievement, their success should serve as an example for other public institutions. If other agencies can learn from the BIR’s focus on innovation, collaboration, and excellence, the entire nation stands to benefit.
Indeed, the BIR’s achievement is not just about meeting an agency’s goal. It is a resounding endorsement of public service done right — and a powerful reminder that when government agencies perform at their best, the impact resonates throughout the bureaucracy and the nation as a whole.