Cleared for take off: Breaktime with Capt. Stan

To PAL president and pilot Stanley Ng, as to English poet Joseph Addison, ‘Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week’

At a glance

  • Clear is a good word, like clear the air, if we’re talking about resolving misunderstandings, clear cut if something is clearly defined, clear conscience if we’re free of guilt, or the best for me, cleared for takeoff.’

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Time, to Philippine Airlines president and pilot Stanley Ng, is precious. Yet he gives it freely, or as generously as he could, given that, like his idols Elon Musk and Steve Jobs, like Jesus Christ himself, he only has 24 hours a day. That’s why, if he could, Stanley, the youngest president in the history of the 83-year-old national carrier, would accept an invitation to be ninong at a baptism or at a wedding, to grace an anniversary or birthday party, to cut a ribbon here and there, to deliver a speech, to be around in times of trouble, like storms and sicknesses, to welcome a new task, like the leadership of SKAL International Makati, if he knows he is worthy of it. 


MOVIE TIME With the First Lady Liza Marcos, next to him at the premiere of MMFF entry Green Bones with, in foreground from left, the lead actors Ruru Madrid and Dennis Trillo.jpg
MOVIE TIME With the First Lady Liza Marcos, next to him at the premiere of MMFF entry Green Bones with, in foreground from left, the lead actors Ruru Madrid and Dennis Trillo


But on Sunday, his time is most precious. Stanley lavishes it on his family, also himself, restoring his energy, rejuvenating his enthusiasm, refreshing his soul, because he believes it is a must for one to make sure one has enough to give if one must give generously of oneself to the world.    


WORK IT Stanley at the gym, always making time for fitness.jpg
WORK IT Stanley at the gym, always making time for fitness


What is your idea of the perfect Sunday?

I have a Sunday routine and I think it’s perfect. It’s usually workout in the morning, and then I connect with God by going to mass. Lunch with my parents or my in-laws follows. If I’m free in the afternoon, I go for a massage or find a way to recharge to prepare for the coming week. And then dinner and downtime with my wife and my kids.


BREAKFAST WITH A FORMER COLLEAGUE With Gerry Rustia, former AVP for cabin services at PAL.jpg
BREAKFAST WITH A FORMER COLLEAGUE With Gerry Rustia, former AVP for cabin services at PAL


Best word to describe Sunday

I like the word clear, like the sky on a perfect day. For a pilot like me, all-clear is music to the ears. It’s a signal that danger or difficulty or any cause of delay is over. Clear is a good word, like clear the air, if we’re talking about resolving misunderstandings, clear cut if something is clearly defined, clear conscience if we’re free of guilt, or the best for me, when I can’t wait to fly a plane out of the airport—cleared for takeoff


SUNDAY LOCKDOWN No haircut at the height of the pandemic.jpg
SUNDAY LOCKDOWN No haircut at the height of the pandemic


Book you recommend as a Sunday read

From Strength to Strength by Arthur C. Brooks. I learned a lot from it. The subtitle says it all: “Finding success, happiness, and deep purpose in the second half of life.”


WINTER HOLIDAY With friends in Hamburg, Germany.jpg
WINTER DUTIES In Hamburg, Germany with colleagues to pick up an Airbus 321 Neo


Best Sunday companion

My family, of course, especially now that my kids are at an age when they have so many activities and I find it fun to just drive them to these activities, whether sports or music or other extra-curriculars. It would always be nice to spend Sunday with entrepreneurs I look up to for their vision and their ability to make something happen as they envisioned it, like Elon Musk or Steve Jobs. Also Michael Jordan because I consider him the best example of if you work hard and smart, you can make your dreams come true.


What is the most extravagant thing you could think of having or doing on a Sunday?

Flying my own private jet to Hawaii or the Maldives or Basco in Batanes, maybe the latter two because I’ve never been to either.    


SKAL DUTIES At his inauguration as president of SKAL International Makati.jpg
SKAL DUTIES At his inauguration as president of SKAL International Makati


What would be a perfect topic for a Sunday brunch conversation?

I spend a lot of my time with my kids on Sunday, so it’s nice to talk to them about their dreams and about God, remembering their blessings. I always tell them that the best way to earn your right to be here on earth is through service to others, by sharing. It’s how we pay the rent for our place here in the world.


SIDE TRIP Skiing in Zürs, a world-renowned winter sports resort in the Alps in Vorarlberg, Austria, before going to Toulouse to fly an Airbus 321 Neo back to Manila.jpg
SIDE TRIP Skiing in Zürs, a world-renowned winter sports resort in the Alps in Vorarlberg, Austria


Best movie or series that once made your Sunday

Stranger Things, is this OK? It’s just that I watched it with my son and my daughter during the pandemic and it helped us forget the pandemic for a while, but also—more important—to realize that life could really be challenging, that life is really like that, a cliffhanger!


A quotable quote on Sunday

“Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week” by the English poet and politician Joseph Addison


RELAX MODE A post-workout walk.jpg
RELAX MODE A post-workout walk


What does “wear your Sunday best” mean to you?

Sunday, I’m usually in a shirt and shorts, or my gym clothes. Sunday is when I take a breather from all the suits I have to wear the rest of the week.


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ON THE GREEN With golf buddies for a club-and-ball catchup


If you were to write a book about the Sundays of your life, what title would you give it?

Flying High with Your Feet on the Ground


INAUGURAL FLIGHT At the sendoff party for the PAL maiden flight from Manila to Perth nonstop. Stanley was pilot in command of the Airbus 321 Neo that departed at 12:05 on March 27, 2023, a Monday, arriving at dusk, in record time, less than seven hours, at the Perth International Airport


Best Sunday in your memory

It was the first time I ever was in a cockpit as a commercial pilot. I was second officer on a flight to Los Angeles. It was a classic aircraft, a Boeing 747. I remember how excited I was, but despite all the training and a lot of time I had spent at well-appointed flight simulator facilities like the one I went to in Bangkok for over a month just before this flight, where I was exposed to a variety of flight conditions, like turbulence, wind shear, all manner of weather conditions, different air densities, and everything that could happen on a flight, including engine failure, I was still a bit overwhelmed. But on this first flight, I learned right away that as important to a pilot as technical proficiency were soft skills like decision-making, stress management, and confidence.


Worst Sunday in your life?

Sunday is when I recover from the worst days. I can’t think of the worst Sunday, so I guess it’s not exactly a good Sunday if I don’t recover enough to get ready for another week.


EASY LIKE SUNDAY MORNING Post-workout breakfast at the Manila Polo Club.jpg
EASY LIKE SUNDAY MORNING Post-workout breakfast at the Manila Polo Club


If Sunday were a flavor, what flavor would it be?

Coffee! It helps me relax. It comforts me and at the same time it gives me energy.


Where in the world would you like to be, if you could just go there by magic?

I read that, in a geographical sense, the point directly opposite the Philippines, is somewhere off the coast of Brazil on the Atlantic, so I guess I’d go to Brazil or anywhere in South America. For one, I’ve never been there and also because it’s so far, so if I could teleport to check it off my list, why not? My dream really is to travel the world. If I could, I’d really like see all of God’s creation.