Coca-Cola PH expands waste collection hubs


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Coca-Cola PH World Without Waste Report

Coca-Cola Philippines is aiming to make recycling easier and more engaging for consumers by expanding its over 2,800 waste collection hubs across the country through increased partnerships with like-minded organizations and institutions. 

The firm said this also includes enabling the participation of microentrepreneurs, particularly sari-sari stores, through the "Tapon to Ipon" and "Tindahan Extra Mile Balik PET Bottle" programs, to help create a community-backed circular economy of plastic packaging while promoting economic empowerment among micro-retailers.

At present, Coca-Cola Philippines has launched more than 600 Tapon to Ipon store hubs across the country. The company has also partnered with the provincial governments of Iloilo and Davao del Sur for large-scale collection of recyclable plastic bottles.

The company has also partnered with the provincial governments of Iloilo and Davao del Sur for large-scale collection of recyclable plastic bottles.
In addition, Coca-Cola Philippines helps improve the welfare of informal waste sector workers by supporting the work of social entrepreneur, Plastic Bank Philippines. 

The partnership has activated 38 waste collection locations and 651 collection community members in the South Luzon area and has resulted in the collection of 546,000 kilograms of post-consumer bottles for recycling since 2021.

Coca-Cola Philippines said it continues to make progress on its ambitious sustainable packaging program, World Without Waste, with significant milestones.

Since the company’s global launch of World Without Waste in 2018, Coca-Cola Philippines has rolled out a series of innovations and partnerships in the Philippines to achieve its goals.

These include introducing packaging innovations; collaborating with different sectors to create and support existing collection hubs across the country to bring collection and recycling closer to communities; and forging strategic alliances with the government, non-government organizations, and civil society to help establish a circular economy for plastic packaging in the country.

For 2023, Coca-Cola Philippines pledges to continue serving Filipino consumers with their favorite brands of beverages while supporting communities and growing a sustainable business in the Philippines for the future. 

In the Philippines and around the world, The Coca-Cola Company continues to work to create a more accessible way of recycling and working toward a more sustainable future for packaging. The global World Without Waste program is anchored on three interrelated goals: Design, Collect, and Partner.

Design calls for making 100 percent of its packaging recyclable globally by 2025 and use at least 50 percent recycled material in its packaging by 2030

It aims to collect and recycle the equivalent of every bottle and can it sells by 2030 while bringing people together to support a healthy, debris-free environment.