In observance of the National Catechetical Month this September, the Archdiocese of Manila said Wednesday, Sept. 11, that all parishes under its jurisdiction will conduct a special collection to support the Church’s programs and activities on evangelization and catechesis.

In a circular dated Sept. 9, signed by its Chancellor Fr. Isidro T. Marinay, the special collection will be done in all parishes on Sunday, Sept. 15, to coincide with Catechetical Sunday. The collection will be used to support the Episcopal Commission on Evangelization and Catechesis of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.
The theme for this year’s observance of National Catechetical Month is “Praying Catechists: Pilgrims of Hope in Synodality towards the Implementation of Antiquum Ministerium (Instituting the Ministry of Catechist).”
The month-long observance is held in honor of the first Filipino saint San Lorenzo Ruiz, himself a catechist and martyr whose feast day falls on Sept. 28.
Data from the National Catechetical Studies show there are about 50,000 catechists in the country assisting in the Church’s missionary work to evangelize.