September month in our history


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Today marks the end of celebration of important events in history – the birth anniversary of the seventh Philippine president, Ramon Magsaysay, known as the champion of the masses, and the eight-hour funeral procession of Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, attended by an estimated two million people. 
Tomorrow, Sept. 1.  marks the start of the “ber” months. 

Before noting the important events that happened during this month in our history, let me start with some trivia. 

September draws its name from the Latin word, “system” and the only month not named after a Roman deity.  Sapphire is the month’s birthstone, often associated with loyalty, truth and sincerity, and symbolizes wisdom and purity. Many believe that Virgos are wise and analytical. It is the month with most songs with its name in the title.  It is known as the harvest month and its full moon is known as the harvest moon. In many parts of the world, it is known as the month of transition as the leaves start changing color, the start of fall and school year, and when the days get shorter.

Now, on a serious note. In the country, September is known as “law month.” The first law was the Philippine Organic Act instituted in 1902 which established a Philippine Assembly that included Filipino members of the Philippine Commission. 

September is also known as a “women’s law month” as several  laws protecting women which were introduced during the month were passed in the next few months. These included the 105-Expanded Maternity Leave Law, prohibition on discrimination and anti-violence against women. An act establishing a Day Care Center in every barangay was passed as well as an act promoting the integration of women as equal partners of men in development and nation-building. 

Women were also given representation in the Social Security Commission. Another act provided assistance to women engaged in micro and cottage business enterprises. An Act expanded the definition of the crime of rape as well as one defining violence against women and children were passed. 
Among the important events in our history include the following: The founding of La Independencia, the organ of the revolution in 1898  by Antonio Luna; the opening of the Philippines to world trade in 1834; the execution of the 13 Cavite martyrs in 1896; the end of the Galleon Trade between the Philippines and Mexico in 1815; the opening of the Malolos Convention in 1895; the establishment of the Civil Service system in 1900; the voting of the Philippine Senate to reject renewal of the US bases treaty in 1991; the first national election to elect the president and vice-president of the Commonwealth I 1935; and the legalization of Filipino women’s suffrage in 1937.  

September was also the month of the execution of Gabriela Silang and the issuance of Presidential Decree 1081 by President Ferdinand Marcos, placing the entire country under martial law. It was in September 1901 when the massacre of Balangiga in Samar happened; and September 2009 when Typhoon Ondoy swept over Manila displacing millions of residents. 

And finally, September is a popular month for beginnings, for birthdays…and inventions.

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