Parade of planets: Six planets line up for a skywatching treat on August 28

PARADE OF PLANETS: Planetary alignment of Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn on August 28, 2024 at 5 a.m., as shown using Stellarium software. (PAGASA)

Stargazers around the country will be treated to a spectacular celestial event as six planets align in a stunning predawn display on Wednesday, Aug. 28.

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said the planetary alignment will showcase Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn in a stunning parade across the sky.

The alignment will be visible in the early morning, just before sunrise.

PAGASA said Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars will be observable with the naked eye. 

However, it said Mercury will be challenging to see due to its proximity to the Sun.

Meanwhile, Uranus and Neptune will require a modest telescope or high-powered binoculars for a clear observation.

Triple conjunction

Before Wednesday's event, PAGASA said that on Tuesday, Aug. 27, the waning crescent moon and Jupiter will make a close approach at 7:32 p.m. passing within 5°38' of each other. 

Later that evening, at 8:43 p.m., the two objects will have the same right ascension, with the moon positioned 5°40' north of Jupiter. 

On Aug. 28, the moon will make a close approach to Mars at 7:48 a.m., passing within 5°15'. 

Their conjunction will occur at 8:22 a.m., with the moon separated by 5°16' from Mars.

Unfortunately, PAGASA said these precise alignments will not be visible, as the moon and Jupiter will still be below the horizon, and the moon and Mars will be obscured by the Sun’s glare. 

However, the moon, Jupiter, and Mars will be visible at 4 a.m. on Aug. 28, forming a triangular shape above the northeastern horizon.