Want a pretty vagina? This eight-minute treatment can give you a confidence booster

No shame in wanting a glowup for your vagina

At a glance

  • It's an easy eight-minute treatment recommended for women who have noticed skin laxity, reduced sensitivity, and other aesthetic and functional concerns in the vaginal area as a consequence of pregnancy, childbirth, and/or aging.

Photo: Freepik

Like our eyes, or our noses, or our hair, women’s vaginas come in different shapes and sizes. But thanks—or no thanks—to the porn industry, many of us have imagined that they all look the same way—hairless or at least neatly groomed, tight outer labia (no droopy jowls), symmetrical, and with pink labia minora.   
This, unfortunately, has become the gold standard in vagina aesthetics. The truth is, you can’t tell from the appearance of a vagina whether or not it is healthy, although telltales signs like cloudy or smelly discharge, and the elastic feel of your vagina, as well as itchiness, pain, and discomfort are the clearest signs that something is wrong down there.
But if we’re just sticking to pure aesthetics and want the conventional ‘pretty’ look, you’ll be glad to know that a vagina glowup is only three sessions of painless eight-minute treatments away, thanks to a new technology called Exion Emfemme 360. 
We ask Dr. Kaycee Reyes of Luminisce a few questions about this breakthrough treatment.

What is it, exactly?
This treatment promises to address a wide range of vaginal concerns such as vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence, and sexual dysfunction. It's an easy eight-minute treatment recommended for women who have noticed skin laxity, reduced sensitivity, and other aesthetic and functional concerns in the vaginal area as a consequence of pregnancy, childbirth, and/or aging.

Is it purely just about beautifying your vagina? 

The Enfemme does not only enhance the appearance of your intimate area, but it also provides a tightening effect to improve the function of your vaginal tissue. It provides multiple benefits like
- Stimulating collagen production
- Tightening of loose vaginal tissue 
- Strengthening of pelvic floor muscles
- Improving sexual pleasure
- Improving bladder control and eliminating urinary leakage (Urinary incontinence) 
- Enhancing the appearance of the vaginal tissue
- Tightening muscles within the vaginal canal

Will it hurt?
It is non-surgical, non-invasive, painless, and best of all, it is comfortable for patients. Our suggested number of sessions is at least three. Depending on patient’s condition and preference, additional sessions may be recommended so patient can achieve optimal results. During the treatment, patients will only feel gentle, comfortable heat.  There is no pain and downtime with the Exion Enfemme. After the session, patients may experience mild redness or swelling in the treated area. These are normal and will disappear on its own within hours. Patients are able to go back to their normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Will my vagina get an immediate glowup?
Patients may notice improvements after a single session, and will continue to notice improvements for days after each session. The effects will last for at least six months to a year depending on activity. We recommended to repeat every six months for maintenance.