State of the Nation Address 2024



Three days to go till the President’s third State of the Nation Address (SONA). There is much anticipation of the President’s report to the Filipino people on the various aspects of our life as a nation – economy, international relations, peace and security, education, agriculture, health, employment and labor. Planning and coordination have been meticulous for the annual nationwide address, ensuring that the President and the nation will be seamlessly connected come July 22, 2024.

As expected, the President will detail the many positive strides that the government and the people jointly achieved. Similarly, the President will outline his governance agenda for the rest of his term and which I believe remains focused on agricultural reforms to boost food production and lower the price of rice and basic food commodities. Part of the SONA will likewise be an invocation of the support of the House of Representatives and the Senate for the passage of the President’s priority measures and both chambers’ cohesive and collaborative legislation.

With very limited time, the President will share with the nation the highlights of his administration’s work since his election in 2022 and the government’s continuing thrusts for development and nation building for the remainder of his presidency. Every State of the Nation Address is highly awaited by both supporters and critics. Hence, every detail of the speech will have to be carefully written, ensuring that the exact meaning of what the President wishes to express is exactly what the speech will convey. The State of the Nation Address is akin to a score card which will, in one way another, shape public opinion on the performance of the Marcos administration. It is thus an imperative for the SONA to truly highlight the Marcos administration’s accomplishments, priorities and direction.

Current and emerging issues will surely be part of the SONA, especially the relatively more enduring challenge in the West Philippine Sea which will include the government’s efforts to forge stronger alliances with neighboring states and other nations of the world. Also remaining as a highly critical impediment to national growth is the overly volatile fuel and energy state of the country which almost always creates a chain reaction in the cost of basic utilities, food commodities, and transportation among others. Agriculture, trade and commerce, I believe, will also be a major part of the SONA as President Marcos remains determined to lower the price of rice and other agricultural products, build infrastructure and capacity for better crop production and post-harvest management, and ensure food security for every Filipino home. 

In order to accomplish these goals, legislation will take a critical role. I implore my colleagues in the Senate and in the House of Representatives to unite and align legislative thrusts with the Chief Executive’s roadmap for national unity and development. SONA 2024 will surely be applauded as well as criticized. At the end of the day, however, we remain one nation, one people, sharing in the work to create a better, stronger, future ready Philippines.