Pneumonia, tuberculosis top causes of death among PDLs -- BuCor


Pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis are the top causes of deaths among persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) in congested prison facilities of the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor).

In a statement issued on Monday, July 15, the BuCor said the other causes of deaths are myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, acute respiratory failure, congestive heart failure, end stage renal disease, cardiogenic shock, electrolyte imbalance, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

BuCor Director General Gregorio Pio P. Catapang Jr. welcomed the signing of the  National Policy on Promotion and Protection of Health in Jails, Prisons, Custodial Facilities, and Other Places of Detention.

“This endeavor will further improve the quality of healthcare services being provided by  BuCor to our PDLs thru the Directorate for Health and Welfare Services headed by Dra. Ma. Cecilia Villanueva,” Catapang said.

He assured that he will personally see to it that “the provision of appropriate and continuous healthcare services are given to the PDLs the same way with those in the free community.”

Under the agreement, the BuCor said that other government agencies like Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), Bureau of Immigration (BI), Philippine National Police (PNP), Provincial Jails, and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) “shall allocate funds and resources and ensure the strategic directions in the implementation of policies, plans, and programs for health and development in places of detention; and materials or management documents to support the implementation of the Healthy Places of Detention.”