Digital love or deception?

The rise of dating apps has transformed how people meet and find love.  Gone are the awkward blind dates or casual encounters that lead to romance.  Today, you no longer need to wait for fate to intervene as dating apps have opened the door to a world of possibilities.  

However, be wary:  while dating apps offer a wealth of possibilities, they also come with risks and challenges.  The Philippines, along with many Asian countries, has seen a rise in romance scams.  These scams prey on individuals hopeful of finding "the one" and the vulnerable ones forced to participate in the deception.

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Now, there is a Facebook Community page called, Online Alerto where people can share tips or stories to help others avoid scams.  This collaborative platform empowers Filipinos to navigate the online world safely through shared experiences and resources related to digital literacy, cybersecurity and responsible online behavior.  

Online Alerto shares useful tips on how to avoid love scams.  Here are some of the red flags they list:

1.  Be careful of those who profess deep emotions just within days of meeting online.

2.  Be on guard of those who want to switch communication to WhatsApp or SMS.  These are the platforms where they can easily manipulate you.

3.  Be mindful of those who ask endless personal questions but avoid sharing theirs.

4.  Beware of emotional manipulation from those claiming to be widowed, or taking care of a sick child or parent.

5.  Be warned of anyone asking for money for emergencies, travel or easy cash business opportunities.  This is the biggest and most obvious red flag. 

6.  Stay away from those who try to isolate you from friends and family or those who pressure you for inappropriate photos or financial information.

7.  Watch out for those who avoid meeting up in person and constantly give excuses.

Apart from the red flags, Online Alerto also lists ways to protect yourself from phishers.

1.  Verify his or her identity by doing a reverse search through the use of online searches like Google Images.

2.  Be mindful of what you share on social media.  These details can be used to target you.

3.  Maintain a healthy level of skepticism, especially if things seem too good to be true.

4.  Check for consistency across their social media profiles.

5.  Verify the person's identity early on by suggesting a video call.

6.  And if you decide to meet, inform friends or family and choose a public place.

7.  Identity verification features (like blue checkmarks) are found on some dating apps.  These indicate that the user's identity has been verified through the app.

Protect yourselves from romance scams.  Learn from others' experiences and gain knowledge on how to protect yourself.  Join Online Alerto.