Pop idol Lucas continues solo journey with fancon in Manila; lechon, mango on his must-try list

This year was a rebirth for Hong Kong singer and pop idol Lucas as he transitioned and made his debut as a solo artist in South Korea under SM Entertainment. 

In April, he released his solo album “Renegade” and launched his “Lucas Fancon Tour in Asia: Fiat Lux: 熙” starting in Jakarta, Indonesia. 

On June 15, he finally met his Filipino fans at the  “Lucas Fancon Tour in Asia: Fiat Lux: 熙” in Manila held at the New Frontier Theater. 

“I chose ‘Fiat Lux’ because in Latin, it means ‘there is light.’ Because the fans are the light to me,” said Lucas, 25, during a press conference held at the Novotel Manila Araneta City just hours before his Manila fancon. 






Pop idol Lucas answers questions during a press conference on June 15 at the  Novotel Manila Araneta City (Jonathan Hicap)

This was his first visit to the Philippines and he praised Filipino food and the people for being hospitable. 

“This is my first time here in the Philippines and I actually searched a lot about the Philippines.  And also, there is a Philippine market in Seoul which I also visited and I tried the food there which was very delicious. Also the Filipino people were very hospitable to me as well,” he said. 

He added, “And I also heard that lechon [suckling pig] is very delicious and I would like to try it.” 

Lucas narrated that when he held his first fancon in Indonesia, “I was very nervous but I was energized by my fans a lot and also in this opportunity, my Philippine fan concert, I would love to get energized and receive a lot of love from my fans as well.” 

One of the things he realized, he said, was that “my personality is quite rushing in which I would like to rush things. But I realized that I have to slow it down a bit and when I take each and every step, you know, it will actually go with the flow and very well.”


Lucas started his Manila fancon by performing “Dip It Low,” one of the three songs in his “Renegade” album. 

“Ako si Lucas. Kamusta kayong lahat? (I am Lucas. How are you?),” he greeted the audience. For the Manila fancon, he said he cut and dyed his hair. 

In the first segment, “Lux On,” Lucas played Philippine games. In 100 seconds, he played jackstone, a bowling-like game using bamboo, and hitting a “palayok,” which was more of a piñata.   






Lucas performing at his "Fancon Tour in Asia: Fiat Lux: 熙” in Manila held on June 15 at the New Frontier Theater (L-Squared Productions)

The second game showed Lucas in a blindfold as he tried to touch, feel and guess the things in a box by drawing them. The items in the box were rambutan and a mask used in Philippine festivals. 

Besides learning about Filipino food and things, Lucas said, “I wanna try learning Filipino songs as well, you know, some popular Filipino songs. Since I’m curious about it, I will try to show it to you next time.” 

Lucas also performed “True Love” by Kanye West, “Every Day, Every Moment” by Paul Kim, “Crushing on You,” Bass Go Boom” and “Renegade.” 

In the “Show Me Your Lux” segment, audience members participated by flashing either a blue or red light to choose between two answers. Lucas then announced his pick. 

One of the questions the audience had to answer was the advertisement suited for Lucas: refreshing sports drink (red) or glamorous jewelry (blue).  The red won, which was also Lucas’ choice. 

Music, personal life 

During the press conference, he was asked to pick between two choices. He chose durian over balut about Filipino food that he would pick if he was super hungry; cobra over “bayawak” (monitor lizard); and hiking a mountain over scuba diving. 












Pop idol Lucas answers questions during a press conference on June 15 at the  Novotel Manila Araneta City (Jonathan Hicap)

He said to find his sound as a solo artist, “Actually I tried a lot of different new things. I also found my new rap tone and tried a different kind of rap as well and one of the things about defining my music is just me, myself, Lucas, so I'll try my best to show better music to you guys.”  

Lucas said he was nervous about taking on the journey of being a solo artist. 

“I was very nervous before this concert but the staff took care of me and gave me a lot of opinions. Even in my music videos, photos and showcases in many broadcasts, I was very nervous but they were able to help me,” he said. 

He added, “And also the fans, the love of our fans and also their  support. They're telling me that they're here for me, you know, those kinds of words actually encouraged me to be a better person. So yeah, I think that's the reason why I could stay here today.”  

About acting, he said, “Yes I would like to try acting if there is an opportunity. But do you guys want to see me acting? I’ll try my best.” 

For his music, he said, “I would like to try different music styles as well because aside from rap, after I released the song ‘Crushing On You,’ I received a lot from fans and I realized ‘Oh wait, I could just sing instead.’ I kind of realized that so I would like to try different music styles as well.” 

He added, “And, of course, our company A&R [artists and repertoire] team is such a good composer and producer so yeah I would like to collaborate more with them.” 


He said when he first heard “Renegade,” it was in his mind for a month. 

“Right the first time that I actually heard the demo of ‘Renegade,’ the melody was stuck in my mind for a month. Even the lyrics,  after looking at the lyrics I was thinking like ‘oh maybe this is a song for me.’ So you know I actually researched for the rap tone that could suit this song and I really prepared a lot for this song and that's how it was released,” he said. 

He explained that “‘Renegade’ is a rock hip-hop song about finding a stronger inner self and finding and fighting your way through life.”  

On lyrics he would like to dedicate for his fans, he said, “If I would choose the lyrics, my favorite lyrics, it will be ‘Renegade’ but, of course, to consider about dedicating to my fans, I guess it’s gonna be ‘Crushing On You’ because of the sweet lyrics.” 

Things he can’t live without and Filipino fans 

About the pieces in his closet that he can’t live without, Lucas included glasses (because of his eyesight) and sneakers. 

On Filipino fans, he said, “So last night [June 14] when I actually roamed around to buy some snacks in the store, I was able to encounter some fans and whenever I encountered them, they would tell me to enjoy the Philippines.” 

“They were very hospitable, they're very kind and I think it’s my first time to hear the word ‘enjoy the Philippines.’ It feels like they're welcoming me with all their hearts. That's where I really got impressed. One thing I really was impressed by is that Philippine fans are very good in English as well so it actually kind of encouraged me as well to practice more English too,” he said.  

On Filipino food, he said, “First of all, the first food I would like to talk about is dried mangoes because my love for mangoes is very serious. My mom actually has a farm for mangoes. My love for mangoes has been so long, which I would like to try here in the Philippines as well.” 

“The food that I would love to try is lechon. I would like to try the sauce with labuyo, toyo and kalamansi. The last one is the gravy sauce for chicken, which I supposed is from Jollibee,” he said. 

As he wrapped up his fancon, Lucas told the audience, “There are a lot of improvements that I need to make for you guys and I’ll make sure that I’ll be better for you. Thank you so much for coming. Lucas was a baby before but he’s not a baby anymore. Did you feel my sincerity?” he said. 

He asked the audience, “Who am I?” to which they replied and shouted, “Lucas!” 

The “Lucas Fancon Tour in Asia: Fiat Lux:: 熙” in Manila was presented by L-Squared Productions. 








Lucas at his "Fancon Tour in Asia: Fiat Lux: 熙” in Manila held on June 15 at the New Frontier Theater (L-Squared Productions)