26 BuCor personnel dismissed since October 2022

A total of 26 personnel of the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) had been dismissed from the service since October 2022 for grave misconduct and gross negligence in the performance of their duties.

BuCor Director General Gregorio Pio P. Catapang Jr. on Thursday, June 13, said he will continue the internal cleansing of the bureau while he remains director general.

In a statement, BuCor said that ”there are 71 personnel being investigated by the bureau's Internal Affairs Office while 35 uniformed and one non uniform personnel are being investigated by the Intelligence and Investigation Division for various allegations and offenses.”

But BuCor said that Catapang is also determined to reward with promotions personnel who have been doing good in their jobs.

“We will continue to promote deserving personnel, and we will continue to recruit new blood and rest assured that as long as I am the Director General, I will continue to reform the bureau until everything is put in order,” Catapang said. 

A total of 129 personnel had been promoted. Those promoted were with the rank of corrections chief superintendent, corrections superintendent, corrections technical chief inspectors, corrections chief inspectors, corrections senior officers IV, corrections officers II,  corrections technical officers II and  non-uniformed personnel.