Plant Convergence: Vining People With an Emerging Cause


Plant Convergence calls us to join this passion-fueled movement for the third time this May 30 to June 2, 2024, at the Flower Garden Quezon City Memorial Circle.

The advocacy-centered event aims to unite like-minded individuals, regardless of age and race, to inspire positive change, educate, and connect with a cause leveraging a great sense of environmental stewardship and promoting sustainability (SDG-13) while forging a meaningful connection.

Climate action or SDG-13 focuses on adapting and limiting climate change, as one of the event’s advocacies is fighting global warming and wishes to make an impact on the world by converging communities that fight passionately through this movement.

Fostering a deep appreciation for the beauty and importance of plants in our lives, Plant Convergence laid out engaging workshops and interactive talks for the attendees to learn, enjoy, and share their “plantito/plantita” journey.


The event will allow them to take inspiration for their terrariums and plant arrangements at  home, and charge their environmental consciousness.

Mr. Dee Lumanog, one of the event organizers, said that holding this event is a great opportunity to amplify their cause as the young generation develops an engrossment for plants and to bridge these gaping generations through one interest.

He added that it may also influence the future young generation to realize the importance of taking care of the environment to sustain life on Earth.

Merchants, collectors, and experts from countries like Thailand, Ecuador, Indonesia, and several  parts of the Philippines will be present at the 4-day event to exhibit their exotic greeneries and introduce domesticated plants.

Plant Convergence is led and organized by young enthusiasts Nico Morilla, Hannah Madulid,  Dee Lumanog, JV Talao, and Jose Espinas, with the guidance of Vangie Go and Vicky Jimenez.