Ukraine hopes for Marcos' participation in upcoming peace summit in Switzerland

The Ukrainian government is hoping for President Marcos' participation in the upcoming summit in Switzerland that will be held in efforts to achieve peace amid the Ukraine-Russia war.

Denys Mykhailiuk, ad interim Charge d'Affaires of the Ukrainian Embassy in Malaysia that has jurisdiction over the Philippines, said the Philippine government's participation in the process "is highly valued as it can offer fresh insights and strengthen the collaborative effort needed to resolve conflicts."

He said Kyiv is hoping for Manila's inclusion in the process to underscore Ukraine's commitment to an inclusive approach to achieving peace.

"Ukraine sincerely hopes for the Philippines' involvement and looks forward to welcoming President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. at the Summit," Mykhailiuk said.

"This summit offers the Philippines a significant opportunity to actively
contribute to shaping a peaceful future, aligning with the core values of sovereignty, unity,​ and lasting peace​," he added.

In April 2024, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Swiss President Viola
Amherd​ announced plans to launch a Peace Summit amid ongoing conflict and global instability​.

​Their move came as Ukraine​, according to its embassy ​"is taking significant steps to establish​ a comprehensive peace framework.​"

​"The urgency for peace is not only crucial for Ukraine​ and Europe but for the entire world. Despite more than 200 rounds of negotiations since​ 2014, including in the Normandy format, and over 10 ceasefire agreements, the conflict​ continues​," it said.

​Ukraine and Switzerland aimed to gather world leaders from 150 countries to discuss diverse perspectives on the peace process and initiate the development of a collective framework​ aimed at restoring peace in Ukraine.

Key topics ​would include the inadmissibility of nuclear weapons use and ensuring the safety of nuclear​ facilities​, the global food security and humanitarian issues​, and the exchange of prisoners and the return of illegally detained, deported, and​ displaced persons, especially children​.