Solon says it's been a while since Alvarez was spotted at the House

At a glance

  • Davao del Norte 1st district congressman and former House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez hasn't been seen at work in the House of Representatives "for quite some time", said La Union 1st district Rep. Francisco Paolo Ortega.

20240416_003958.jpg La Union 1st district Rep. Francisco Paolo Ortega (left), Davao del Norte 1st district Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez (Facebook)










Davao del Norte 1st district congressman and former House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez hasn't been seen at work in the House of Representatives "for quite some time". 

Thus, said La Union 1st district Rep. Francisco Paolo Ortega, who went as far to say that he "misses" Alvarez. 

“We miss you in the House, sir, in plenary sessions and in committee hearings, in which most of us actively participate,” Ortega said in a statement Monday, April 15. He is a member of the so-called "Young Guns" in the lower chamber. 

Ortega says while Alvarez has the right to exercise his freedom of speech and do what he wishes provided these are within the bounds of law, he is duty-bound as well to perform his tasks as a member of Congress. 

“That involves participation in House sessions and committee deliberations. We have not seen him for quite some time,” he said. 

He added that members of the Young Guns look to their elders as role models and their presence in the house during plenary session is very much sought as they learn from their experiences. 



In his speech in front of his constituents in Tagum City on Sunday, Alvarez urged the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to withdraw its support from President Marcos so the latter would be forced to step down. 

The Davao del Norte lawmaker is widely known to be a close ally of former president Rodrigo Duterte, who is the father of Vice President Sara Duterte. It is the younger Duterte who will take over Malacañang should Marcos resign. 

Congress is currently in the middle of a five-week summer break. The lawmakers won't reconvene until April 29.