Mindanao solon prods DOJ to file sedition raps vs Alvarez 

At a glance

  • As far as Camiguin lone district Rep. Jurdin Jesus Romualdo is concerned, the Department of Justice (DOJ) must not let Davao del Norte 1st district congressman and former House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez's alleged "seditious statement" slide.

20240415_145020.jpgCamiguin lone district Rep. JJ Romualdo (left), Davao del Norte 1st district Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez (PPAB. Facebook)










The Department of Justice (DOJ) must not let Davao del Norte 1st district congressman and former House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez's alleged "seditious statement" slide. 

Thus, said Camiguin lone district Rep. Jurdin Jesus Romualdo on Monday, April 15 as he urged the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate Alvarez for his most recent controversial comments and file the necessary charges. 

“The response to the seditious statement should be the immediate filing of a criminal case so that the move to incite people, including the military, to rebel against the government will be nipped in the bud,” Romualdo said. 

He said the crime of sedition includes a person’s conduct, remarks or speech inciting the public to move against the state or duly-constituted or elected authority. 

“Clearly, what former Speaker Alvarez remarked during a rally in Tagum City falls within the purview of sedition,” said Romualdo, a former governor. 

Alvarez is a close ally of former president Rodrigo Duterte, who is the father of Vice President Sara Duterte and a critic of the current administration.  

In remarks before his constituents in Tagum City on Sunday, the Davao del Norte lawmaker urged the military to withdraw their support from President Marcos Jr. so the latter would be forced to step down. 



It was during Holy Week last month when the former House Speaker advised Marcos to resign as president so that Vice President Duterte could take his place. 

Alvarez also insulted the President by referring to him as "Bobo Marcos". 

Romualdo chided his Mindanao colleague for this. “What you say often reflects on you. It shows what kind of person you are,” he said.