On Wednesday, Jamela exposed her boyfriend's alleged infidelity involving Maris that led to their breakup.On Instagram Stories, Jamella shared screenshots of Anthony's private conversations with Maris.
Actor Anthony Jennings ex-girlfriend Jamela Villanueva may have committed violations for sharing screenshots of private conversations between him and Maris Racal, says lawyer
At a glance

Jamela Villanueva, the ex-girlfriend of actor Anthony Jennings, might have committed two violations by posting screenshots of private conversations between him and Maris Racal.
Lawyer Joji Villanueva Alonso stated this in defense of Cornerstone artists Maris and Anthony.
"Jamela, on the other hand, may have committed at least 2 crimes with her actions - cyber libel and violation of data privacy," read a part of Alonso's statement.
The complete statement of Alonso posted on Facebook on Dec. 4:
"Assuming that all the screenshots are legit, the fact remains that Maris and Anthony have committed NO crime.
"Their actions may be regarded as morally wrong, but they were never married to their respective partners.
"Jamela, on the other hand, may have committed at least 2 crimes with her actions - cyber libel and violation of data privacy.
"She cannot hide her actions under the guise of “moving on.” Yes, she may have experienced pain and betrayal, but this does NOT give her the license to violate the law.
"Nemo jus sibi dicere potest," the lawyer wrote on Dec. 4.
According to Google search, "nemo jus sibi dicere potest" is a Latin phrase which means "No one can de- clare the law for himself. No one is entitled to take the law into his own hands."
On Wednesday, Jamela exposed her boyfriend's alleged infidelity involving Maris that led to their breakup. On Instagram Stories, Jamela shared screenshots of Anthony's private conversations with Maris.