By CelCadahing Ocampo

Fully automated greenhouses with very minimal human intervention. Farming with insects as a tool. Controlling a farm by means of smart phones.
These are just some of the futuristic ways of farming in Vietnam witnessed by 56 Filipino farm owners and farm enthusiasts who visited the high-tech greenhouses in Dalat City, Lamdong, Vietnam from Jan. 24 to 27, getting a glimpse of the future in agriculture technology that promotes food security.
The group, who were participants of Inspired Learning Tours’Vietnam Farm and Garden Tour, were given a chance to go around Lam Biang Farmand Mai Khoi Farm both located in the cold province of Lamdong at the central highlands region of Vietnam.
With its advance greenhouse technology, Dalat City including its neighboring towns in Lamdong is known as the flower and vegetable capital of Vietnam with their produce supplying the other main cities of the country. Some of their flowers and vegetables are also marketed in Asia, US and Europe.

In Mai Khoi, the Filipinos toured a farm that uses beneficial insects to control pests making the farm 100 percent organic. According to Le Viet Quang, the beneficial insects expert from BioPro by Hansfarm, the technology was developed by the Dutch company but is now grown in the laboratories in Vietnam.
The Filipinos saw these insects particularly Amblyseius, apredatory spider, and Aphidius, a type of wasp, in action inside a farm planted to Palermo sweet peppers. The eggs of beneficial insects, placed in small packets or boxes, are hang in the plants. These are expected to hatch just when the harmful insects are about to attack.
Mr. Nguyen Van Minh Tu, owner of Mai Khoi, explained that the use of the beneficial insects increased their harvest to 100 percent, from two to four kg per plant.
The Filipino delegates also visited Langbian Farm, a 30-hectare vegetable and flower farm inside a fully-automated greenhouse. It produces several varieties of lettuce and popular flowers such as chrysanthemums, tana, daisies and many more.

Tran Huy Duong, owner of Langbian Farm, explained that his greenhouses are fully automated. The irrigation, temperature as well as the mixture of the hydroponics that they use are done and monitored through a computer application. The tents also adjust its shades depending on the heat requirement of the plants.
“Our workers report to work using their smart phones. They just input all their reports through the app. If there are problems that need to be solved. The directors of the farm can see all these on real time. Thus,decision-making is always quick and easy,” he said.
The participants expressed appreciation to the two farm owners for allowing them to visit their farm and see how an advance technology-based farming may help improve food production in the Philippines.
To which, Tran Huy Duong replied, “I also wish to go and visit your country. I know I will also learn from you.”