Sustainability, diversity, and digitalization are seen as the three components that will bring “transformational growth” which will allow companies to rise to expected economic success instead of muddle along with the rest of the world.

“In my own experience, a focus on these three areas have been incredible catalysts for change and continue to shape the way we look at business today,” said Ayala Corporation Executive Director Mariana Zobel de Ayala in her keynote speech during the Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX) inaugural meeting.
She noted that, “these drivers (sustainability, diversity, and digitalization) have influenced and continue to inform our strategies and ambitions around transformation.”
FINEX President and Ayala Land Inc. Chief Finance Officer Augusto D. Bengzon said sustainability, diversity, and gigitalization lead to transformational growth because they are interwoven threads shaping the fabric of a future-ready organization.

“Sustainability guarantees our longevity and adaptability. Diversity brings depth to our perspectives, fostering innovation and resilience. Digitalization, the backbone of modern enterprises, allows us to efficiently deliver new products and services, find new ways to engage customers, and turn them into lifelong partners,” he said.
On sustainability, Zobel said “climate change, rising inequality, and geopolitical tensions continue to affect how we navigate the future. These challenges require new ways of thinking and more effective collaboration to address.”
“It is our belief that business plays a critical role in responding to these challenges and providing innovative solutions to transform the world we live in… We are at the cusp of a total and complete climate catastrophe if we continue to do business as usual. The role of business in the climate action agenda thus cannot be understated and will require transformation in order to reimagine how we can mitigate our environmental impacts,” she added.
For his part, FINEX President and Ayala Land Inc. Chief Finance Officer Augusto D. Bengzon said that, “as finance executives, we must recognize the impact our decisions can have on the environment and strive to align our corporate strategies with sustainable practices.”
“We wield considerable influence over resource allocation and corporate decision-making. Incorporating ESG metrics into financial evaluations, encouraging disclosure of environmental impact, and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility are integral steps. Moreover, promoting responsible investing and engaging in collaborative industry initiatives can amplify our impact,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Zobel said that, “on the topic of building safe and inclusive work environments, I believe in the power that diversity, equity, and inclusion have in an organization.”
“Including people’s unique perspectives and backgrounds helps us unlock the very best in our people and add value to the communities where we work and live. In many work environments, we still see a lack of representation for individuals from marginalized and underrepresented groups, especially as you go up in leadership ranks,” she noted.
Zobel cited that, “when I look back on my life and career journey so far, I cannot help but reflect on how my identity has shaped the path I’ve taken and influenced the way I view the world. My unique perspective as a woman – a daughter and sister, a wife and mother, and a female in business – has taught me so much. The different facets of what makes us unique – our age, gender identity, upbringing, and life experience – contributes so much to the social fabric of our organizations and country at large.”
Meanwhile Bengzon said that, “in the rapidly evolving landscape of today's global economy, digitalization is not a mere choice; it is imperative not only for growth but also for survival and relevance.”
“Nations and companies face complex challenges ranging from managing vast amounts of data, ensuring efficient and transparent operations, and enhancing engagement with customers and stakeholders. Digitalization is the key to unlocking innovative solutions for these challenges,” he said.
Bengzon said “digitalization is not merely a technological shift but a strategic move to remain at the forefront in an increasingly competitive and digital-centric world.”