The Korean crime drama “Gangnam B-Side,” starring Ji Chang-wook and Jo Woo-jin, will be released on Disney+ in November.
Ahead of the release, “Gangnam B-Side” will have its world premiere at the 2024 Busan International Film Festival (BIFF).
In the series, Ji Chang-wook plays the role of back-alley enforcer Yoon Gilho while Jo Woo-jin is detective Kang Dong-woo.
Ji Chang-wook in “Gangnam B-Side” (Disney+)
“Gangnam B-Side” (Disney+)
Spurned by his colleagues and estranged from his family, Kang Dongwoo made a name for himself taking down his fellow officers on charges of corruption. Frozen out by those who remained, Dongwoo was forced to rebuild his life in a rural outpost.
But when his daughter’s friend goes missing, the pariah detective gets dragged back into the depths of depravity as he desperately tries to rescue the girl from the dangers of drugs, exploitation and more.
The first two of the eight episodes of “Gangnam B-Side” will be released exclusively on Disney+ on Nov. 6 followed by two episodes released weekly.
The drama also stars Ha Younkyoung as prosecutor Min Seojin and Kim Hyungseo as girl on the run, Kim Jaehee.
It is series is written by Joo Wonkyu (“Argon,” “The Lies Within”) and directed by Park Noori (“Money,” “The Berlin File”).