DSWD shifts to more frequent social pension payments for indigent senior citizens

At a glance

  • SocPen is intended for indigent senior citizens who are frail, sickly, or disabled, and who lack a pension, permanent source of income, compensation, or financial assistance from relatives to support their basic needs.

  • Under Republic Act 11916, known as “An Act Increasing the Social Pension of Senior Citizens,” which became law in July 2022, the monthly stipend for indigent senior citizens will increase to P1,000, from the previous P500, starting January 2024.

  • Indigent senior citizens can now receive their social pension monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly, rather than the previous semi-annual schedule.

Indigent senior citizens can now receive their social pension monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly, rather than the previous semi-annual schedule, according to a Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) official on Thursday, Aug. 29.

In a memorandum circular (MC) to all regional directors, Secretary Rex Gatchalian said semestral payments will no longer be allowed starting July 1.

“Secretary Rex Gatchalian instructed all the DSWD Field Offices (FOs), through the regional directors, to follow the new schedule of social pension payouts. This is to ensure that the social pension will be received by the beneficiaries more frequently rather than every six months only,” Assistant Secretary Irene Dumlao, the agency’s spokesperson, said.

“If monthly releasing of stipend is not feasible, the allowed frequency of payment shall only include bi-monthly and quarterly releasing. Semestral payment shall no longer be allowed effective July 1, 2024,” the memorandum read.

It also specified that monthly stipend payments are exempt in cases where majority of beneficiaries live in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDAs), or if the province, city, or municipality is under a state of calamity or experiencing natural or human-induced crises, such as armed conflict.

Exemptions also apply to other unavoidable and uncontrollable circumstances and situations, subject to validation by the respective field offices.

“Secretary Gatchalian’s memorandum also directed the FOs to amend all existing memorandum of agreement (MOA) with local government units (LGUs) bearing semestral payment of social pensions,” Dumlao said.

The Social Pension, or SocPen is an additional government assistance under Republic Act 9994, also known as the “Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010,” which provides a monthly stipend of P500 to indigent senior citizens for their daily subsistence and medical needs.

Under Republic Act 11916, known as “An Act Increasing the Social Pension of Senior Citizens,” which became law in July 2022, the monthly stipend for indigent senior citizens will increase to P1,000, from the previous P500, starting January 2024.

Dumlao reiterated that the SocPen is intended for indigent senior citizens who are frail, sickly, or disabled, and who lack a pension, permanent source of income, compensation, or financial assistance from relatives to support their basic needs.