US official coming to PH to discuss economic resilience

A United States government official will be coming to Manila to discuss possible ways to enhance the Philippines’ economic resilience, as part of Washington's commitment.

Jose Fernandez, US Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment undersecretary, will travel to Asia from Jan. 22 to Feb. 1, particularly to Vietnam, the Philippines and South Korea, to strengthen Washington's economic cooperation with allies in the Indo-Pacific.

"In the Philippines, Undersecretary Fernandez will discuss enhancing the Philippines’ economic resilience through supply chain diversification, while emphasizing our commitment to deepening the strong U.S.-Philippines economic partnership and highlighting US investment opportunities in the critical minerals sector," a readout from the State Department stated.

The readout said Fernandez will meet with government, business, and civil society leaders in all three countries.

With them, he will promote public-private partnerships, advance investment opportunities, and emphasize the importance of close cooperation in areas of common concern.

Such areas will include strengthening economic, energy, health, climate, and food security, according to the readout.

​On top of military partnership, the Philippines and the US have agreed to bolster cooperation on economic resilience, in favor of Manila, as both sides reaffirmed ties under the leadership of Presidents Marcos and Joe Biden.