Health hacks for senior citizens

How to stay fit and healthy during the golden years

We work hard all our life and dream of enjoying the fruits of our labor after retirement. We can’t wait to have all the time in the world to relax, spend quality time with family, do things we weren’t able to do when we were too busy building our careers and businesses, raising children, and simply making ends meet. 

Unfortunately, many reach the golden years, yet suffer from various illnesses that prevent them from fully enjoying the beauty of being older adults. Instead of spending their fortune on worthwhile endeavors, much of their savings and even passive income are spent on medical bills.

We may think that it is expected for older adults to be sickly. After all, decline in health comes with age. This, however, isn’t the right mindset. Our mind and bodies can have a biological age that is younger than our chronological or actual age. 

“You see, the stupid thing is that people don’t realize that you can have a beach body at 90 and turn the heads of the sexy 70-year-old girls on the beach. I am living proof that, if you eat right and exercise properly, you can be that guy at any age,” said then 96-year -ld runner, body-builder, public speaker, writer, rower, wakeboarder, and former dentist Charles Eugster. He was the healthiest old person on the planet in 2016. 

Longevity is useless if there is no quality of life. What is the use of living up to your 90 if you are bedridden? Life must naturally come to an end—and Eugster passed away at the age of 97 in 2017 due to heart failure and complications. But the most important thing was that he lived a long quality life. 

Aging is inevitable but we can slow it down. We cannot control our chronological age. It is, however, possible for our body cells to function like that of a younger person compared to our actual age. You can be in your 60s yet feel and function like a 30- or 40-year-old—but that would take the right mindset and a whole lot of effort made simpler through these health hacks.


Mindfully drink water throughout the day

As we age, the sense of thirst diminishes putting us at risk for dehydration. We drink water consciously and not because we are thirsty. When we are parched, we are already dehydrated. Proper hydration is needed for our body’s metabolic processes like digestion, blood circulation, and more. Dehydration also causes us to feel exhausted.


Have regular dental checkups 

We need to ensure optimum oral health in order to eat well. Missing teeth, tooth decay, and faulty dentures hinder older adults from enjoying meal times and getting adequate nutrients. This could lead to malnutrition and frailty. What will help you maintain stronger bones? What will help you build and preserve muscle mass? Nutrients such as calcium and protein are mostly derived from food intake. What gives you energy to move around? Carbohydrates from whole grains, starchy vegetables, and fruits. What helps with hormone balance and promote a healthy brain? Healthy fats with omega-3. All of these we must obtain from our daily food intake. Furthermore, dentists recommend having your teeth professionally cleaned at least two times a year. Some medications cause plaque formation in teeth and compromise the health of your gums.


Do strength or functional fitness training 

This will equip you with the ability to perform activities of daily living like bending, twisting, squatting, going up and down the stairs, pushing, pulling, lifting. It will also prevent injuries and fractures. It isn’t impossible for a 70-year-old to be able to run. Just think of Charles Eugster or Yuichiro Miura, who was able to climb Mt. Everest in 2013 at the age of 80. If you have an existing medical condition, it is important to get a doctor’s clearance to start exercising. It is also important to be guided by a licensed fitness coach or physical therapist. In addition to strength training, walking regularly, and being mobile throughout the day will help keep you fit. After all, exercise is medicine.


Get sun exposure for at least 10 minutes in the morning 

Wear a hat to cover your face to prevent skin problems but expose your arms and legs to get that much needed sunshine vitamin D. This vitamin is not only essential for bone health but also immunity and mood regulation.

You don’t need to be the next Charles Eugster or Yuichiro Miura in your golden years but you can be a fitter and younger version of yourself. Be physically active, take care of your oral health, stay nourished, and get sun exposure in addition to taking care of your spiritual, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

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