Effortless meal planning with Google AI


Housewives will agree that meal planning is a monumental task.  Most family members may not know, but behind the cleared dinner plates and satisfied smiles that graced the dinner table lies the treacherous daily adventure of what to prepare for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.   Simple as it may seem; but with all the preferences, dietary restrictions, schedules and unforeseen obstacles we housewives have to juggle, meal planning can be an arduous task.  Good thing for every challenge there is opportunity.  To my fellow housewives, let me introduce you to Bard.

Bard is Google's AI and it can just be your handy dandy kitchen assistant.  Available in 40 languages, Bard is Google's conversational AI or chatbot.  I asked Bard what he can actually do and he said in a jovial tone, "I can help you with your research.  I can help you with your planning.  I can help you with your communication. I can help you with your learning...", and the list goes on.  Generally, it can do a lot of things!  And surely, it can readily help wives just like me in the kitchen.

Thinking and deciding on the day's menu can be quite challenging and time-consuming. Obviously, AI cannot replace humans in creating recipes; but it can surely suggest and help us decide what to cook for our family's next meal.  By letting Bard know your preferences, available ingredients in the pantry, cooking time, and so on, Bard can make recommendations.  This is made possible by its ability to digest vast amounts of data including food trends and ingredient combinations; after which, algorithms will analyze the information so it can generate a relevant and informative response.  All you have to do is ask.

And so with so many things on my to-do list today, I know I needed help in the kitchen.  I tried out Bard and simply typed the prompt, "What healthy recipes can I cook in 30 minutes?".  Curious to know what Bard suggested?  He suggested the following:

        Pasta with Pesto Sauce: Got some leftover pesto sauce, as well as some pasta lying around? This quick and easy dish is also a great way to use up leftover pesto in a pinch, as all you have to do is boil the noodles and top it with the delicious sauce.

        Veggie Omelette: Or maybe you’re feeling like eggs. You can go healthy with this particular recipe that uses veggies as a filler in a hot and fluffy omelette.

        Grilled Salmon with Roasted Vegetables: There’s nothing like fish, too. If you’ve got some salmon in your freezer, thaw it out and throw it in the pan with some vegetables for a scrumptious and fishy rainy-day treat. 

These are just a few of Bard's suggestions.  There are many other great recipes out there, and all you need to do is ask the right question.

With a multitude of tasks to manage every day, the life of a housewife is a juggling act.  Good thing Bard can lend a helping hand.  As AI turns mundane tasks into manageable feats, housewives can now manage their valuable time and focus on maintaining a happy, comfortable home.