Another story in the grapevine is the alleged recent split of Talented Female (TF) and Cute Boyfriend (CB). TF has been in the entertainment industry for quite a while. Her presence has proven that she can match her talents with the best and senior ones. Thus, earning many followers. Meanwhile, CB is popular as well and with others showed teamwork is another way to gain success in the industry.
TF and CB move in the same circle, which could explain why the two of them met and subsequently hit it off. Their followers loved the chemistry of the two. Sadly, the relationship of the youth did not last wrong and social media was once again the source of confirmation.
Allegedly, CB had been cheating and TF had enough of the infidelity. TF knew she deserved better. The twist is how CB had made himself a sort of martyr, the victim who played hurt by the breakup. Now, fans might have been pulled into the situation, which is a major no-no, as the breakup is a personal matter. TF has not posted much, except for a popular quote that might be alluding to TF’s behavior during the time they were together.
‘Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.’ ― Deborah Reber
Careful, careful
A clean image is essential to celebrities in the country. Other than talent, projecting an acceptable off-camera persona often becomes a means to judge actors. These days, fans are critical on such behavior. Social media is the game-changer when it comes to a celebrity’s image.
While some celebrities opt to remain quiet when social issues are hot topics, others are brave to express their opinion even if their stand goes against the norm. The risk can be high, but that does not seem to bother them.
Sometime ago, Seasoned Celebrity (SC) surprised many of his followers for coming into the open on a controversial issue in the country. SC drew flak given the risk he took. His career could have been placed in jeopardy and his management would have had to do damage control to diffuse his action. Given his stand, SC needed to keep a low profile on the issue or else he could be in trouble with powerful personalities. Luckily, the issue died down and he resumed his work. The aftermath is that the public knew where SC stood on the matter.
However, eagle-eyed netizens noted something on what was just an ordinary and typical celebrity post. It seemed to just be sort of a day-in-the-life theme, i.e., until a few things were spotted. The things were related to SC’s position on a hotly debated matter. Questions on why those things were in his home prompted assumptions. Was SC living his stand, which could explain his being vocal about it? Nonetheless, with the conservative air, SC might again be called for his carelessness.
“I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
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