Gift ideas for diabetics

Holiday healthful presents for loved ones

Diabetes is like a plague. It has affected so many lives that it has been so common among households, in the workplace and almost everywhere. Almost everyone knows someone who has been struggling with their blood sugar level and diet. 

It’s less than two months before Christmas. It’s never too early to come up with your Christmas list. It is so easy to just buy sweet treats, a cake, a bottle of wine, or a charcuterie board last minute. Unfortunately, these are not so helpful to individuals living the sweet life. To prevent the hassle of last-minute gift shopping, why don’t you consider the following healthful gift ideas that will let your loved ones with diabetes know that you care for them and support their health journey?

Weighted blanket 

Weighted blanket 

Poor quality sleep is associated with insulin resistance. The hormone insulin helps regulate blood sugar level, therefore getting good quality sleep every night is crucial for individuals with diabetes. Anxiety deprives us of sleep. It affects not only one’s heart rate and blood pressure but also the blood glucose. Using weighted blankets have been shown to decrease anxiety by activating the rest and digest part of our nervous system known as the parasympathetic nervous system. The gentle pressure from the weighted blanket gives a feeling of comfort and snugness that decreases an individual’s heart rate and stimulates rest, eventually leading to a deep slumber.

Fructus_Momordicae by wikipedia.jpg
Monk fruit 

Monk fruit 

Don’t fruits contain fructose, a simple sugar? That is a fact. Unlike other fruits, however, the monk fruit gets its sweetness from antioxidants called mogrosides. While the actual fruit contains the sugars fructose and glucose which can increase blood sugar levels, monk fruit sweeteners don’t have that effect. In fact, there are some studies that show the monk fruit’s blood glucose lowering effect. You can safely give monk fruit sweeteners and monk fruit sweetened treats to diabetics. Monk fruit tea is also a great option. It has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory herbal drink to relieve sore throat and prevent mucus or phlegm production in addition to fighting cancer. Take note that diabetes is a risk for developing cancer.

Dark chocolate 

Dark chocolate 

Cacao in pure form is abundant in the plant chemical polyphenols. These are phytonutrients and antioxidants that help bring down inflammation in the body. Diabetes does not only affect the blood sugar level—even lipids or triglycerides and cholesterol metabolism are also affected. Cacao contains the polyphenol known as flavan-3-ols which improves blood pressure, blood sugar, and also cholesterol and triglycerides. It is important to always check the ingredients when you buy products made from cacao which is cocoa in powdered, liquid, or solid form like tablea or chocolate. They should not contain much added milk or sugar. Otherwise, they aren’t as healthful and helpful to those with diabetes. The first ingredient listed must be cacao, cocoa, or dark chocolate.

A basket of whole grains 

A basket of whole grains 

Never underestimate the power of fiber in regulating blood sugar level, as well as blood lipids cholesterol and triglycerides. There are so many options to replace white rice that have a lower glycemic index or has a lower impact on blood sugar level. Whole grains like quinoa and adlai contain higher plant proteins. They help maintain muscle mass and increase satiety or feeling of fullness therefore you need not consume a lot. Brown, red, and black rice contain phytonutrients that have health benefits beyond providing energy from carbohydrates. Oats contain the good fat omega 3 which is good for the brain and the heart. There is now a third type of diabetes that is related to Alzheimer’s disease affecting the brain in relation to insulin resistance. Having a variety of options for grains and carbs every day will surely make people with diabetes healthier.

Fitness watch 

Fitness watch 

If you wish to splurge a little bit this Christmas season, getting a good quality and trusted brand of fitness watch could help your loved one become more mindful of lifestyle factors that can either improve or make diabetes worse. Fitness watches primarily monitors physical activity. Exercise is medicine. Simply walking 10,000 steps a day will go a long way in fighting insulin resistance. It will help increase blood circulation, promote hormone balance, help with metabolism that makes body cells utilize sugar as energy instead of it staying elevated in the blood. A fitness watch can also help in monitoring sleep patterns.  

Take time to think what healthful presents your loved ones will appreciate and find useful this holiday season.

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