76 passengers, crew safe after Ro-Ro runs aground in Quezon

SAN ANDRES, Quezon – Seventy-six passengers and crew were safe after their roll-on, roll-off (RORO) vessel ran aground in the sea of Sitio Punta Harina here on Monday afternoon, November 13.

MV Virgen de Peñafrancia I operated by Star Horse Shipping Lines had 45 passengers, 31 crew, and 10 rolling cargoes when it reported rough seas and poor visibility on its way to the port around 4:15 p.m.

Philippine Coast Guard Mobile Post San Andres coordinated with the vessel’s master captain upon receiving the information. A prompt visual and hull inspection revealed the vessel was in good condition with no signs of oil spill, PCG said.

The clinometer showed a slight tilt of one degree to the port side.

Four boats were deployed and safely transported all passengers to the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) terminal for medical assessment. No injuries were reported among the passengers or crew.

The vessel’s captain initiated a maneuvering at high tide, and successfully freed the vessel which docked securely at Port of San Andres around 7 p.m.

The Coast Guard Mobile Post San Andres personnel boarded the vessel and proceeded to the pilot's house to conduct an investigation regarding the incident.

The PCG advised the captain to file a marine protest within 24 hours. A Maritime Industry Authority-accredited diver will inspect the hull to check the integrity of the vessel.