Eat these to fight breast cancer

The power of plant food in your pantry

Breast cancer is the fifth leading cause of death in
the world. The Philippines had the highest incidence of breast cancer among Asian countries and ranked ninth highest in the world in 2019. Risk factors and development of breast cancer can be genetic or lifestyle related. Treatment is multi-disciplinary. It does not only involve medical and surgical treatments, but also nutrition and fitness, which also play vital roles in preventing and healing.

When it comes to nutrition, getting a balanced diet may be sufficient to provide fuel for the body, as well as vitamins and minerals. Cancer, however, is not an ordinary disease. We need food that will boost our immune system to fight cancer cells, as well as prevent proliferation of abnormal cells. We also need to protect healthy cells, which are often destroyed or affected by treatments.

We need phytochemicals, also known as phytonutrients or plant chemicals, to reduce inflammation, fight infection, arrest growth of cancer cells, and support immunity. After all, cancer is caused by a weakened immune system.

Phytonutrients are found in plant food only, such as fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts, and seeds. Food that has health benefits beyond basic nutrition is called functional food, which isn’t hard to find. In fact, some functional food items are so common they can be found in your pantry and kitchen. Here are some super food items you can safely consume even during breast cancer treatment.

Soy beans


Contrary to some beliefs and earlier clinical studies in the past that soy is bad for women who have abnormal growths in their breasts, soy is safe to consume for breast cancer patients. In fact, science shows that it can protect against hormone-related cancers, especially when consumed regularly during childhood and adolescence. Soy contains phytochemicals known as isoflavones. These have weak estrogen-like properties that help protect against breast cancer. They block potent natural estrogen hormones in the blood that cause cancer cells to develop and multiply. Soy is also a great source of prebiotic, which feeds the good bacteria in the gut or digestive system. This positively impacts the immune system. Get your daily dose of soy from wholesome, food grade, non-GMO soy milk, edamame, and other soy products like tofu and tempeh. Isoflavone supplements and isolated soy protein are not recommended. Furthermore, soy does not contain estrogen. Therefore, it does not interfere with breast cancer medications. In fact, it has a positive synergistic effect when consumed while being treated with Tamoxifen. Soy enhances the cancer-blocking properties of the drug.


Watercress, broccoli and Chinese cabbage

These three vegetables belong to the cruciferous family together with cauliflower, cabbage, and turnips. All cruciferous vegetables contain Phenethyl Isothiocyanate or PEITC. It is a bioactive compound that can eliminate cancer stem cells. It is worthy to note that cancer stem cells are resistant to treatments. Cancer cells can, in fact, camouflage and dupe our immune system, rendering us helpless. Watercress, broccoli, and Chinese cabbage are high in PEITC. Cutting and chewing raw cruciferous vegetables activate the enzyme myrosinase, which releases PEITC. Unfortunately, heat destroys its activity. But don’t you worry. The gut has microbial myrosinase that can release the much needed PEITC upon ingestion. It is preferable, however, to eat clean and raw cruciferous vegetables as cooking can reduce the PEITC content.



This spice contains the compound curcumin, which studies have revealed to have anti-cancer effects. Due to its rising popularity, supplements have sprouted everywhere. One must be careful, however, with the purity of a product and the other ingredients added to formulations. Dried and powdered turmeric or fresh turmeric that is boiled as beverage is preferable. In a study entitled “Curcumin: The Spicy Modulator of Breast Carcinogenesis” by Urmila Banik et al., they concluded that curcumin found in turmeric impeded tumor growth, malignant progression, and spread in breast cancer.

There are so many plant food sources that provide phytonutrients to keep the immune system healthy and help fight cancer while protecting healthy cells during treatment. It is important to think of food as medicine. Have a predominantly plant-based diet in order to get those powerful phytonutrients.

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Banner photo by Angiola Harry from