Filipinos classify vegetables under two categories: native and upland (grown in Baguio). One of the most popular “native” vegetables is patola (louffa or silk gourd), which is never served in formal meals but is universally welcomed in home gatherings of rich and poor alike.
Patola-based dishes, often thickened with very thin miswa noodles, can be extravagantly adorned with prawns or humbly flavored with canned sardines. Either way, the resulting dish is robust with honest flavors and a faint sweetness from the freshly harvested patola.
Naughty but nice
In Northern Luzon, the favored variety of patola does not look like an elongated cucumber. It is distinguished by sharp ridges that make peeling a test of patience and dexterity. Non-Ilocanos find “kabatiti,” the native name for this variety, enough to send them on a giggling fit.
Dependably prolific
Patola is an effortless crop. In our barrio Pulanglupa, the neighbors took turns growing patola vines. Eight households shared one vine, which bore enough fruit for each family to serve patola once a week.
Medicinal and nutrient-rich
In many countries, patola is cultivated not just for culinary purposes. Almost all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.
The Philippines’ National Nutrition Council has compiled results of studies on “The Health with our readers of Patola.” Allow me to share some of the findings here.
The sponge gourd, commonly known as patola, is a fruit from the family Cucurbitaceae, the same as pumpkins and melons. The sponge gourd is cultivated around the world, commonly utilized as an ingredient in numerous Asian dishes and people’s remedies, thanks to its nutritional and therapeutic properties.
Patola contains various antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, nutrients, and lipids. It is an excellent source of vitamin A and carbohydrates, vitamin B5, manganese, potassium, copper, total dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and magnesium. All parts of the patola plant possess medicinal properties. Patola helps lower blood sugar, aids in constipation, weight loss, and hypoglycemia, enhances the immune system, and detoxifies the body.
Here are other reasons you should more patola.
Patola prevents eye ailments. Vitamin A prevents macular degeneration, a condition that leads to blindness. A study conducted by the National Eye Institute shows that those who take vitamin C, vitamin A, copper, vitamin E, and zinc have decreased chances of macular degeneration by 25 percent in a six-year period. The study shows that including vitamin A-rich food like luffa in the daily diet may help reduce eye ailments.
Patola prevents diabetes. Manganese is essential to produce digestive enzymes, which are responsible for a process called gluconeogenesis. The research conducted by the Department of Internal Medicine and Biochemistry showed that mice that were given the manganese improved their glucose tolerance in 12 weeks. The manganese promoted the secretion of insulin, reducing lipid peroxidation and enhancing mitochondrial function.
Patola prevents muscle pain. Potassium balances the fluid levels and helps relax muscles. Eating luffa assists in breaking down the protein and carbs on which the muscle depends for the repair and energy.
Patola reduces arthritis. Copper provides anti-inflammatory properties, which soothe stiffness and pain related to arthritis. It can assist strengthening muscles and repairing connective tissue.
Patola treats anemia. Vitamin B6 is essential to produce hemoglobin in the blood, which helps transport the oxygen to the cells and mobilize iron. Anemia is the result of inadequate red blood cells. The study shows that the consumption of vitamin B6 in adequate amounts reduces the symptoms of anemia and prevents its occurring.

Patola is good for the skin. The study shows that high intake of vitamin C can reduce the skin dryness and wrinkles. It slows down the aging process. Vitamin C is essential to produce protein to form tendons, skin, blood vessels, and ligaments. It also assists in the healing process of wounds and in forming a scar tissue.
Patola prevents migraine and headaches. The inadequate amount of magnesium is related to migraine and headaches. Magnesium assists to balance the neurotransmitters in the body.
Patola rain function. Oxygen is required for the brain to function properly. Lack of oxygen in the brain results in poor memory, apathy, and decreased productivity. Iron deficiency leads to restlessness and irritation.
Patola prevents type 2 diabetes. Food rich in magnesium helps reduce the chances of type 2 diabetes because magnesium is essential for glucose metabolism.
In addition to consuming the fruit, other parts of the sponge gourd also provide their own benefits. The leaves are either ground into a paste for blemishes and maintaining your complexion or pressed to acquire juice useful against amenorrhea, dysentery, snake bites, and poisoning. Its seeds are eaten as a laxative, ensuring smooth bowel movement. Lastly, the roots and vines are chewed or swallowed to prevent tooth decay and even a runny nose.