Sunnywood Superfoods and their commitment to delivering healthier rice
For over 25 years, Sunnywood Superfoods Corporation has been dedicated in providing healthy, high-quality rice products that best suit their consumers’ preferences and lifestyles. Among their brands is Harvester's which provides an exciting variety of rice—from white, unpolished, to long grain, and more. Bringing forth a wide span of healthier rice that truly makes one’s meal, the company continuously lives up to their motto "More than Just Rice—It's the Meaning of Life."
They believe that God has been good and faithful and has blessed man with every good thing. Rice, of which their main business is based, is just one of the uncountable blessings given to man. The company recognizes His goodness, lifts up its humble gratitude and strives to follow in His footsteps.
Sunnywood Superfoods Corporation started operating as a single proprietorship in September of 1997 supplying branded rice to consumers in the supermarkets. Through the years, the company has grown from a beginning where only nine items were sold in the markets, to one that supplies a wide range of exciting varieties. The business was incorporated in 2009 and continues to be focused on its main thrust of being a major, reliable, consistent supplier of quality rice to consumers.

"It has been the commitment of the company to work with cooperatives in various parts of the country encouraging them to go into organic rice farming in spite of the challenges to its growing and marketing. We’d like to believe that our sustained and consistent support has significantly helped Philippine organic rice farming establish a solid foundation that will allow it to expand even further in reach and appreciation," says Romeo Ong, president of Sunnywood. "It will be a joyful and proud day when in the near future our special rice can make its presence felt on an international level. The benefits of livelihood and stability to the farmers cannot be underestimated."
Outside of its core business activity of rice, Sunnywood Superfoods Corporation has been reaching out to street and public school children by way of support of the Child Evangelism Fellowship NCR South Area whose volunteers teach and impart biblical moral values. The impact on the lives of these young people when they are shown love, attention and care are immeasurable.

Sunnywood Superfoods Corporation will continue to be a responsible leader in the distribution of this important Filipino staple with its commitment to help our farmers attain a better living standard and to make available to the Filipino family healthy varieties of rice at all times.
True to their vision, their brands Harvester’s, Jordan Farms, and Farmboy have been broadening their consumers’ horizons when it comes to their choice of rice used for their meals.
Harvester’s wide selection of quality rice has been recognized for its delicious taste and nutrient-density which benefits our bodies. Experts have shown that rice is an excellent carbohydrate that provides energy on a daily basis and some varieties are also high in fiber, thiamin, niacin, potassium, and magnesium.
Those who journey into living a healthier lifestyle would oftentimes have a misconception about rice which leads them to exclude it from their diets to manage their weight or health; however, what really needs to be taken note of is the amount of rice that is consumed daily. With Harvester’s rice, offering a range of rice varieties such as Black, Red, and Brown Rice, Short, Long, and Whole Grain, Malagkit, Sinandomeng, Dinorado, Thai Jasmine Rice and more, everyone can still be healthy without letting go of a staple part of their daily meals.

Harvester’s offers a wide variety of local and imported rice. The brand’s Thai Jasmine Rice can transform everyday meals into special ones with its superior all-around taste and texture for that well-rounded goodness perfect to pair with the family’s favorite dishes. For more nutritious rice, you can go with their whole grain unpolished rice like Harvester’s Black, Brown and Red rice which has optimum amount of nutrients as its fiber and germ are still intact.
Each variety has its own unique health benefits. Among the three, Harvester’s Black Rice contains the highest amount of antioxidants called anthocyanins, which effectively aid in preventing inflammation and protecting against Type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Harvester’s Brown Rice, together with proper diet and exercise, may help control blood sugar levels. Harvester’s Red Rice variety, on the other hand, helps strengthen bones and improve metabolism with its rich content in zinc and manganese and low glycemic index.
Overall, these rice varieties being whole grain, unpolished rice, and gluten free are perfect for those trying to manage weight. Aside from being nutritious and delicious, it is also a great source of energy.
When it comes to naturally-grown and specialty grains, Jordan Farms offers a unique line that serves true to their motto that they are more than just rice—with grains like their Adlai and Quinoa. Bringing color to one's health, their Tapol De Oro (Violet Rice) fits perfectly when used for making desserts and native delicacies with its distinctive, aromatic and sticky quality partnered with its glutinous nature and deep aubergine color when cooked. Their Black, Red, and Brown rice are also nutritious options, with these being organically-grown. Meanwhile, enjoying delicious rice while taking care of your health is made more affordable or "abot kaya" with their Farmboy brand.

Sunnywood Superfoods Corporation's hard work speaks for itself. For the longest time, the company also worked with trusted influencers to stay abreast with the digital age, reaching their current and potential consumers by ensuring that the company is credible and always mirrors the truth. A key figure in their efforts would be Kuya Kim Atienza, who advocates for eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. Committed to his low glycemic diet, Kuya Kim was thrilled to have integrated Sunnywood products into his daily meals as the rice paved the way for delicious, enjoyable dishes that were still healthy for him.
The same way that Sunnywood Superfoods Corporation treasures its beloved consumers and their health, they also value and show strong support to local producers of rice, which is in fact, a great purpose to live by. With all these taken into account, it is truly evident that their actions embody their motto that they are more than just rice.