By Patrick Lim Fernandez

1933 Yin Water Rooster
(born 2/4/33 to 2/4/34)
1945 Yin Wood Rooster
(born 2/4/45 to 2/4/46)
1957 Yin Fire Rooster
(born 2/4/57 to 2/4/58)
1969 Yin Earth Rooster
(born 2/4/69 to 2/4/70)
1981 Metal Rooster
(born 2/4/81 to 2/4/82)
1993 Yin Water Rooster
(born 2/4/93 to 2/4/94)
2005 Yin Wood Rooster
(2/4/05 to 2/4/06)
When it comes to their health, Roosters should not take any unnecessary risks this year. It is not the time to test their mettle and go hang gliding, rock climbing or anything of the sort. If they are faced with some health issue, it is best to study it well by getting a second or even third opinion. They should pay attention to their physical and home safety since the “Disaster Hurdle Star” is in their chart. This star brings possible losses through theft or possible injury or illness, so health and safety should be their utmost priority.
It will be best for them to always carry a Safety Medallion with them and have a “Driving Safety Gourd” in their cars.
The Rooster should appreciate that life is a cycle. When things are down, there is no other way to go but up. This year is the year when they are in direct conflict with the year, which is called “Clashing with the Tai Suey.” Since they are clashing and conflicting with the year, they can expect this year to also be riddled with clashes and conflicts. Having a direct clash sounds quite foreboding but instead of getting into a panic mode, they should view this year as a year of change.
Since we are creatures of comfort by nature, change is usually seen as something negative. This is not necessarily so though, since it could be a change for the better. Probably as the change is occurring, they will feel that it is such a hassle, but then when the dust settles, and they survey their new situation, they could actually be in a better place than where they started. Thus, they should not allow themselves to be distracted by the changes nor should they let it overwhelm them. They rather should just hang in there, go with the flow, try to be as prepared as possible and view these changes as opportunities of learning and bettering themselves.
It is best for them to have a Harmony Medallion under their pillow to help ease this clash.
The presence of a “Big Drain Star” does not bode well for the finances and wealth prospects of the Rooster. There is a high chance of a major financial loss, overspending, or getting cheated. They should practice self-restraint and be smart about tracking expenditures, lessening credit card use, and being on top of repaying debts. They should adopt a practical financial approach and be prudent in managing their finances.
This will be a good year for them to build an emergency fund if they have not yet done so. They should be realistic with their financial assessments and be very wary of investment proposals and business ventures that come their way this year. This “Big Drain” has the tendency to make them spend more than usual so they should really spend wisely.
It would be good to have a “Hippo Guard” in their homes to help lessen and make this drain smaller.
One possible way to preempt this drain is to buy something that will appreciate in value in the future. Another way is to look into investing in further studies as a way of bettering themselves for the future.
It will be best for them to have a Double Double Money Catcher to help open up different opportunities for wealth to come into their pocket. This will help find other sources of income that they can tap into.
Since there is all the potential for cha- os and changes occurring for the Rooster this year, they should always have a Plan B. They should give leeway and allowances for when things don’t go exactly as planned. There is the high chance for plans hitting the gutter with the presence of the “Trouble Star” in their chart. In their attempt to make things right or to try and keep to the plan, they should not break the law or try any short cuts. They should just treat these obstacles and diversions as temporary setbacks, which is not worth getting into trouble for.
All this could be quite frustrating and wearisome. It may seem that for every one step forward they take two steps back. Rather than letting this affect their morale, they should adapt a mindset that this year they may really need to work harder than usual and a lot of unforeseen circumstances may arise. They should be realistic and honest with themselves and identify their capabilities and limitations. They should then prepare sufficient resources and have a back up plan, especially when dealing with a business expansion or a large project. They could also reach out to a mentor or friend to help them out. They should remember that all this too should pass and take this experience as a chance to learn and grow.
Elements Forecast
Wood Rooster
This is an important year to have a good and positive attitude in the different aspects of your life. From a physical perspective, try to avoid risky situations especially with large crowds of people. From a social perspective, try to meet with peers and others regularly to keep yourself connected and engaged. For the younger Wood Roosters, don’t be dismayed by difficult situations in school, but try to persevere through.
Fire Rooster
This year is about finding your passions and letting this guide and stimulate the different parts of your life. This may help you in your business or career as you transition to the next chapter. This may also help develop new relationships or foster existing ones. There is an Accident Star that you need to be conscious of, so be careful as you walk indoors or out- doors. Try to have a blood test or donate blood as the year begins.
Earth Rooster
Despite some of the external turmoil that may be present in this conflict year, try to keep an even keel and be calm as you proceed throughout the year. This inner peace will help you navigate through difficult situations that you may find yourself in this year. Don’t take unnecessary risks this year, especially with your finances and your relationships as this may result in irreparable losses.
Metal Rooster
There will be a plethora of work available to you, but the conflict stars present in your chart this year will make it harder to achieve your goals. To ensure success, have a prioritization system to be able to accomplish the most important work goals first. Learn to say no if needed and outsource where you need to. Try to avoid any major changes at work and use this opportunity to educate yourself more in your field.
Water Rooster
Keeping the big picture in mind and not let yourself get too involved in the minutia is important for you this year so that you won’t be overburdened and as a result become short tempered and emotional. There is a Conflict Star present that may make you get into quarrels and disagreements with those close to you, so avoid any fights if you see them coming. Pay attention to details when you are at work and with contracts.
Monthly Guide
This table below gives an overview of the monthly trend and how the Roosters will fare. The months with a ✓ means that it will be a pretty good and smooth month. The months with an ~ signifies an aver- age luck month where some aspects will be okay but other aspects may encounter some obstacles. The months with a X signify that the luck is weak so it will be good to prepare and exercise extra caution. The start date of the months is also indicated.